Ch-1 Where The 'Dark' Rules

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Hope you enjoy : )

The complete story is in 'Third Person'.


There was total chaos in the village of Antiman Clan in the 'land of the tillers' at the time of dusk. People crying, running and hiding. Many were collecting their belongings.

"What is going on?" A youngster asked a man after stopping him.

"Its the goblins. They are coming to raid!" The man shrieked and ran away.

The youngster stayed there only looking here and there before seeing and helping an old couple in need.

It was now night time. No one was present in the village, except the same youngster. He was on a tree, hidden behind the leaves and was looking towards the empty straw huts.

After few minutes, from all the sides came rushing some weird green-skinned people. Their backs were humped up a little. Almost every one of them was carrying a cloth bag on their humped-backs and many also had torches with them. They all came and crowded the small empty village in no time.

'I had heard about goblin raids, but never thought to be able to witness one. They really look fast, but idiots too.' The youngster thought.

In just a few minutes the goblins looted whatever they could and set the straw-huts on fire. They went after the raid was complete. The village was looking like a blazing inferno by then.

The ever-increasing heat forced the youngster to descend the tree and move away from the fire.
And his decision to do so proved right as due to blowing winds the trees caught the fire.

Seeing this the youngster was stuck with horror and started running away while thinking, 'Its HELL!'


The youngster from before was in a room, talking to an old man before him.

"We have to do something! They keep raiding only because we don't do anything!" The youngster said.

"I know about that Valiant, but what can we do? We are simple farmers,not barbarians." The old man said.

The youngster now known as Valiant asked excitedly,"Then we call those barbarians for help. Right?"

"No we can't my boy. They are war loving beings. They only kill and don't protect." The old man replied calmly.

"That's what I was saying. They can slit the throats of those goblins then. We will also give them money. Won't they work for us then?" Valiant argued.

The old man shook his head before saying,"They are not among those who sit and listen to others. And you know that the 'Kingdom' won't help us."

"Those under the 'Dark' never help others." Valiant said with disappointment clear in his voice.

"That's right my son. So now go and practice for your 'Big Day'. I can't wait for you to become the headman." The old man told the youngster.

"Yes grandfather." Valiant nodded and started walking out of the room, when the old man stopped him and said,"My boy,don't try to do anything stupid."

"I know grandfather." Valiant said and went out of the room.


Valiant was sitting on one side of a pond, throwing flat-stones at its surface which were easily reaching the other side.

"What are you doing here doing nothing?" A masculine voice coming from behind was caught by Valiant's both ears, but mainly by right.

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