"Because I can help you." He raspy voice choked. "I'll share secrets, words that roam around the castle walls and streets. Wolves and snakes don't mix, you know it."

Ronnika stilled, she knew it. Martell's ruled the Dorne, as especially the Sunspear but you couldn't rule an empire without making a few enemies. As the wise words said, Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. "Leave. Before I kill you anyway." She lowly whispered in sultry voice as her pink lips brushed against his ear shell.

And he did. She saw his figure disappear into green maze as she muttered," Such a pity, a boy so pretty." She knew Daemon would approve a creditable assert, he was well liked, famous and a charmer, all of three were deadly combination if given in wrong hands. She was still trying to process the guts he had, he proposed her to spend a night with him, if it was anyone else they'd have been dead lying in a pool of blood on the floor. But it was Daemon, cunning bastard under the pretty face.

She wondered through the hallways, thinking about her wedding. Wedding which was only two days away which everyone was busy preparing for. In two days she longer would be a Stark, she'd be a Martell, princess of Dorne; Oberyn's queen, Ronnika Martell. The name sounded tasted so strange on her tongue, so unfamiliar yet had a certain appeal to her. She still couldn't believe she was going to get married, no less getting married to Red Viper himself.

Before she met Oberyn she was just a fierce warrior who everyone feared, the Lone Stark stuck at The Rock who cared for no one else. The only things she cared about was Winterfell and the Starks who she couldn't protect even when she wanted to, the only thing that kept her alive was thought of getting Winterfell back but in the process it made her cold and ruthless, feared by everyone. But then she met Oberyn and not the wildest dream had she imagined she'd fall in love with him, marry him, care for him when she didn't even care about herself. Maybe that's the thing about him. He makes her care.

She stopped in front of the ebony door, colored dark brown. She had no idea how she ended up there, she looked around to find no one else but herself. She was curious of what was behind those heavy doors, and she pushed them open. The door slightly creaking, and she entered the lone room. Her eyes roaming around the room, there was bed on one side, a fireplace, a balcony opening to the ocean. Books arranged properly, even dusted as her eyes ran down and pinned on toys. The little toys, heavily jeweled with deft crafting. She picked up the small sparrow that had diamonds for its eyes, fashioned in gold.

"That was Ellia's favorite toy from when we were little." The voice lowly spoke, creating goosebumps on her arms. The voice she was so accustomed to, a voice that she'd never forget even if she wanted to, Oberyn's

She turned around to find him walking out of balcony, walking towards her in his yellow sun studded tunic but she soon realized where she was, she was in Ellia Martell's room, his sister's room. She now understood why no one else was around, why was it so neatly kept. Oberyn's fingers brushed against hers as he took the toy out of her hand," She always wanted to fly and see the world, always so curious with tinge of wanderlust in her eyes. I still remember the day when father said we were to sail to Kingslanding and how her eyes brightened with excitement. "

Ronnika kept quiet as she listened to him, she knew he loved his sister dearly. He had to be close to her from everything he had done for her. She knew Oberyn was complicated man with unknown past, a past she only heard in rumors. A past she so desperately wanted to listen about but she never asked him, thinking he would tell her when the right time came. "She was the only person who taught me everything I know about love, she used to smack me at back of head and call me an idiot when I played dangerous pranks. She loved the Mad King, and when she left for Kingslanding, I thought it was strange that absence can feel like presence."

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