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"Has he asked you to prom yet?" Dakota asks as we walk down the hall.

"No. I don't think I'm going." I shrug. Prom is not really my thing. I only went last year to take photos for the newspaper.

"You have a boyfriend, a very hot boyfriend. You are going to prom." She looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I don't have anything to wear." I say.

"Really? That's your excuse? You have Astrid and I to help you." Dakota smiles.

"I'll think about it." I sigh. No I won't. I've decided I'm not going, end of story.


After school I sit with Sebastian in his workout room. He's doing pull-ups or something and I'm learning about the Revolutionary War. Lovely. And honestly it's very hard to pay attention to my note cards when a shirtless/well toned gorgeous man is in front of you.

Just sayin.

"Babe, to study you actually have to look at the notes." I snap from my daydreams and look at my paper. I look back at him and he's smiling at me.

"Well you're just so-distracting." I laugh. He drops his weights at his sides and runs over to me and leans right in my face.

"Is this distracting?" His green eyes are piercing into mine.

"Yes," I squeak. He kisses me. I take his face in mine and wow this is really distracting. Wait, what was I studying again?

Some point after he stopped kissing me he managed to pull me under him. Then Sebastian started doing push ups above me, everytime he would come down he would kiss me.

He's up to 276 push ups and he says he is still not tired. Whatever. Astrid comes down the stairs and looks at us weird.

"What are you doing?" She makes a weird face and is looking at the scene.

"Working out." Sebastian answers.

"Mhm and August, what are you doing?" She gives me the weird look.

"Well I was study, but I'm taking a break." I laugh.

"Interesting." She walks up the stairs but she pops her head from the curve and says, "Let's keep it PG down here." She winks and leaves.

"What's this?" I trace my fingers on his chest as he does crunches. I can hear him quietly count how many he's done.

"A scar." He says.

"How did it happen?" I lightly trace over the scar. It reaches from his right shoulder blade across his chest diagonally to his left rib cage.

"I had surgery."

"Why?" I ask.

"A secret for a secret?" He stops and looks at me breathing heavy.

"Uh sure."

"I was 15 and someone attacked me after a football game with a knife. Didn't do much damage and I had a heart replacement when I was 16." He goes back to doing sit-ups.

Wait isn't he 17?

"Your turn." He nods.

"I don't know. You know my biggest secret so far." I shrug. "Um. When I was 15 I stole lingerie from Victoria's Secret." Sebastian stats laughing and he clutches her stomach.

"Why?" He asks while laughing.

"Dakota and I were bored. I've never wore it." I shrug. He perks up.

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