08 ◦ The Fragile

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BLUE - Conveys a sense of trust, loyalty, cleanliness, and understanding. On the other hand, blue evolved as symbol of depression. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.

By the time Connor reached the sleepy hospital his heart was racing and he could feel his chest getting tighter and tighter as the knots grew, the rough fists of fear clutching him with such an intensity he momentarily forgot that he was supposed to hate Troye. His head had been all over the place in the past couple of days and he couldn't help but pin the blame on the person who his thoughts were continuously running to for all of this. His nerves were slightly put to rest when Troye's doctor spied him in the corridor, instantly rushing over to greet him.

"Sorry to wake you, Connor but there have been some complications." The Doctor who he had come to know as Doctor Nava Ramirez, informed him. Her hands were clutching Troye's documents with her hands nervously.

Complications, Troye seemed to have a lot of those.

"Is he okay?" Connor instantly asked, his fingers knotting together as he let the words sink in.

"He was having increasing trouble breathing so we ran some tests — mainly scans to check his lungs and we found he has an abnormal amount of fluid built up in the layers of tissue. Unfortunately, we've found that there is an infection that had grown resistance to the antibiotics which means that we had to drain the fluid. It's called Pleural Effusion, its a lot more common with severe cases of pneumonia like Troye's. However, it's nothing to plan a funeral over, with some time, rest and love he'll be back to normal and school before you know it."

Connor took a sharp intake of breath, everything with Troye seemed to be happening on fast forward, everything happened so fast and he wasn't sure if he was ready for all of the pieces to fall into place this fast.

"Can I see him?" Connor asked, surprising himself, maybe he really did care for Troye a lot more than he would ever let on.

"Sure thing! I'm going to need you to do something for me, though." She bargains, leading Connor to a more secluded spot where they can talk without the other people in the waiting room hearing them.

"We've gotten some records from Troye's past and its lead us to believe he might not, uh- be able to take care of himself alone. I'm going to need you to sign a few forms and I need you to promise me you'll make sure he keeps up with the antibiotics and make sure he rests."

Connor scrunched his face into a look of confusion, his mind had begun to take a hold the ideas that Nava had insinuated, he couldn't help but feel a slight twist of distress make his stomach feel uneasy.

Nava caught the look and desperately tried to reconcile the calm that washed over Connor, "It's not my information to spread, but if you're really worried I would suggest taking it up with him. Anyway, you've got a whole week of recovery to figure that boy out."

"A week? What do you mean?"

"Oh, I just assumed you two were roommates or something..." She nervously toyed with the sleeve of her coat before continuing, "He's going to need someone to watch over him while he's recovering to make sure he's complying and to ensure he's not getting worse. It's the only way the hospital and university will let him go back and stay on campus; otherwise, he's stuck here with us for the whole week."

"What's wrong with him staying here all week? At least he'll be close if something goes wrong." Connor countered, he couldn't imagine spending more than the night with Troye at this point; he was sure that a whole week would drive him insane.

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