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"So Katara, interesting night huh?" Toph was sitting up in our bed as she fiddled with a rock between her toes. 

I pulled the sheets over my head to block out the morning sunshine, "I don't know what you're talking about." 

"Oh come on Sugar Queen. I can tell you're lying, even without my earthbending." 

I sigh and remove the sheets to glance at her, "What is it you heard?" 

Toph grinned and laid back, "Some serious romance in the kitchen." 

I groaned and glared at the ceiling. 

"Just tell me all what happened, and I'll promise not to tell anyone else." she grinned impishly.

I propped myself up on my elbows, yawning and not looking forward to working or having Toph tattle on me, "Alright, but you have to promise." 

"I make a Beifong promise not to tell anything." Toph crossed herself, then spat on the floor. 

I rolled my eyes, but still leaned over to her ear and whispered what had happened. 

Her face lit up, "I knew it! You and Sparky were just-" 

"SHUSH." I put a finger over his mouth, "Promise right?" 

Toph smiled, her sightless eyes twinkling, "Right. But you know I'm never letting this go right?" 

Before I could respond, she jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. 

"TOPH!" I yelled after her, getting out of bed, but quickly realised that it would be useless. 

I shook my head, my long hair falling over my shoulders and went to get ready for the day. 

We were working on the outside of the house today, and Iroh decided to help. Zuko and I exchanged meaningful glances throughout the whole time, garnering much amusement from Toph. 

At one point, while Zuko was on the other side of the house helping Aang measure Appa for a barn, I turned to Iroh, "Were those Traditions last night...traditional?" 

Iroh laughed and glanced at me with merry eyes, "None of them were real."

I frowned, "What?" 

He chuckled, "It was all made up. You don't think my nephew would have done them if I hadn't said they were traditions?" 

I stared at him, not fully comprehending what had just been told me, before joining him in some shameless laughing. 

Zuko had just done all of those things, thinking that they were traditions, but it was just his Uncle making him do strange stuff. 

I had to admit the brilliance of it. 

But it had been a good excuse to do things for him, if anything. 

And if that is what it too, I might find myself making more cakes more often. 

Thanks for reading guys! 

leave a vote if you liked it/ want more stuff like this. :D I'm thinking of a Zutara one-shot collection soon, so stay tuned for that.

Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! 

Remember to feed your Bison, practice your bending, and don't eat the Sea Prunes. :P 

Shoutouts to all my loyal readers. You know who you are. 

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