Maybe it's warm in here

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(A/N: Just a fair warning, there is blood in this chapter, and a good amount of it. Also this part is pretty long, sorry)

We found Uncle Iroh next to a metal shop. Buying tea metal tea cups. Which I thought was odd, until Zuko explained.

"He likes the sound they make when he sets them down." he shrugged.

Valid reason. I would probably do the same thing.

He was buying an entire set, probably for the reopening of his tea shop.

As we both walked up to the cart he was at, I slid up to take an equal stride with Zuko. I hadn't spent a lot of time with Iroh, but felt comfortable enough around him to not be worried about what he would think about me. At this point, I would probably be comfortable enough to call him Uncle.

We stopped next to the cart and watched him set down a few coins to purchase a set of cups.

The vendor began packing up the cups in a bag as Iroh turned around to look at us, "Hello Zuko." he turned back to the vendor, "This is the strong young man I was talking to you about."

The vendor nodded politely at Zuko before continuing to pack.

Iroh glanced back and smiled when he saw me, "Oh, and Katara, how wonderful, you won't mind helping me carry my new tea cups?" he gestured to the stand, "They didn't have everything I needed, but I think two hundred will do."

I raised an eyebrow, "How many?"

Zuko exploded, "TWO HUNDRED? UNCLE, DOES IT LOOK LIKE I HAVE FIVE ARMS?" as we both looked at him, he paused, then relaxed, his face turning red, "I mean...can we get a cart for all that?"

Uncle Iroh smiled and nodded, "That would prove to be very insightful. Thank you Zuko."

Zuko turned away, his face burning red, "Can you hold this bag until I get back?" he made a point of not looking at me as he held out the bag. I could tell that he was ashamed for yelling at his Uncle.

"Sure." I accepted it, then balanced it on my hip, smiling and trying to make him feel better, "And you should probably get a big cart."

He glanced up at me, his eyes smiling, "Yeah."

He opened his mouth as if to speak again, but then closed it and walked off to find a cart. I smiled after him, as if hoping he would feel better just by doing that. When he disappeared around a corner, I sighed.

No one should have to feel bad like that. Especially on their birthday.

I walked up to Uncle Iroh as he watched the vendor pack up a second bag.

There passed an easy silence between us before I thought of something.

I cleared my throat, "Um, Iroh, can I ask you a question?"

He turned to me and smiled, "Of course, there is no question too small for me to answer."

I gave him a grin at his comment, then shifted the bag to my hip, "I- well I was just thinking, and you seem to know Zuko well," I paused, "Well, I mean of course you know him well, I just-" I could feel uneasiness begin to fill my gut and could feel my face begin to turn red with embarrassment, "I was just curious if you know what his favorite food is." I gave a forced smile, "Zuko's." I ended pathetically.

Iroh smiled encouragingly, making all my embarrassment melt away.

What was I thinking? Uncle Iroh would never judge me like that.

Of Firelords and Birthday Cakes (Zutara)Where stories live. Discover now