I Could Kiss You (Part 2)

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I found myself carrying a basket filled with blankets down to where Iroh pointed, burning with curiosity. 

Was Iroh making Zuko sleep outside? 

I pushed aside more questions as I rounded a boulder to see that Zuko was sitting on the blanket he had carried out. He looked annoyed, sitting with his arms folded around his legs and his chin on his knees. His robe was the only warmth offered him, and I could tell he was cold. 

He glanced up at me as I came around, his golden gaze taking me in. In the starlight his scar looked darker. 

"Hey." his husky voice managed as I set the basket down next to him.

I placed my hands on my hips, "What's going on here?" 

Zuko looked away from me, "Uncle." 

I glanced around, "Well...are you staying here the night? Did he leave any instructions or anything?" 

The fire-lord shook his head, his long hair falling to his shoulders. 

"Hmm." I looked around, "Well, he sent me with these." I gestured to the basket. 

He glanced over, "Yeah." 

I sighed. This was getting nowhere. Zuko settled his chin back on his knees, looking miserable. He sniffed, and I started for a moment. 

Was he...crying?

"Uh...I can leave it you want." I motioned back towards the house, perfectly ready to leave. 

Zuko hid his face from me, "You can stay." 

I frowned. Well, if he wasn't going to make a decision, I would have to. 

Like always. 

Taking a breath, I plopped down next to him, my 'motherly' instincts kicking in. I didn't dare touch him though. 

I softened my voice a bit, "How's your wound doing?" 

"Good." was his muffled voice. 

I bit my lip, waiting for him to talk again. The blanket under me was soft, as it was on grass, and the starlight provided a bit of light for me to see by. 

Tossing my hair over my shoulder, I prodded him again,  "Has it hurt at all?" 

"If Iroh sent you here to talk to me, you can tell him I'm fine." he mumbled bitterly.

I was taken aback, "I wasn't sent to talk to you." 

"Well, I'm fine." 

"You don't seem fine." I crossed my arms over my chest, "You seem really down." 

There passed a silence, then, "This wasn't how I thought my 18th birthday would go." 

I uncrossed my arms,  "Well, how did you want it to go?" 

"Want?" Zuko suddenly straightened, and he threw his robe off with a violent movement, startling me, "I wanted my birthday to be quiet! and by myself! and-" he suddenly slackened, burying his head in his hands, "With Mai." he finished quietly.

I looked at him, feeling torn. His discarded robe had revealed a much simpler tunic; one that he had often worn when we had traveled across the world with the company. 

It was a no-brainer that he was upset. 

"I'm sorry." I finally started, "You should be happy on your birthday." before I could restrain myself, I said, "I'm sorry I'm not Mai." 

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