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Taking a hand away from my nose, I motioned them over. I needed to see how their shopping trip had gone. If they had gotten everything, we could head home and start with Zuko's cake.

Almost timidly the group walked down the road towards me. I urged them to walk faster, Zuko could be back at any minute.

Once they finally got within hearing distance, Sokka almost yelled, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I slowly stood up, wiping my nose on the back of my hand, "Just a bloody nose."

"What happened?" They all stopped in front of me.

"I'm fine, it's just this dry weather." I reassured them, "But we don't have much time. Zuko's coming back any second, how's progress been?"

Sokka looked at the others around him and from the look on his face, I knew I would have to listen to a long explanation.

But before he could open his mouth, Toph spoke, "It's been a disaster."

I frowned. Of course. "Why? What happened?"

"It's fine Katara," Sokka interrupted, "I've got everything under control, just buy me a few more minutes."

I sighed, "Well, what did you get?"

Aang stepped up, "We got all the ingredients for the cake, except we only got three eggs."

"Yeah." Suki grinned, "That's because we didn't have enough coins to get four."

I raised my eyebrows, "You guys spent all our money?"

Sokka put his hands out, "No no, we just spent...most of it."

I frowned at him and he smiled sheepishly. After a moment, I asked, "Well, what else did you get with it?"

"We got some more hay for Appa." Aang smiled.

"And a gift for Zuko." Sokka stated proudly.

"Really?" I had a bad feeling about this, "What?"

Toph placed her hands on her hips, " A flyswatter."

Suki and Aang burst into laughter as I glared at Sokka, "What on earth would you all do without me?"

"Well, what would you do without us?" Sokka placed his hands on his chest defensively, "We leave you alone, and you're bloody nose has got a bloody nose!" he pointed at my face.

"Well, at least I know how to shop!" I rose my voice

Toph laughed at our banter, but her giggles had a mocking fringe to it.

Sokka scowled at her, "What?"

Toph smiled, "I was just laughing at the truth of it. As painful as it sounds, you are really bad a shopping meathead."

I turned to Sokka, catching the meaning with Toph's words, "What did you do?"

He didn't answer right away, so Suki stepped up, "He sent Toph to get some banner letters so we could hang up a happy birthday sign."

"Yeah," Aang supported, "And it was a good deal too. Three for one coin deal."

"So?" I urged.

Sokka sadly dug into his bag and fished out seven banner plates, all with various letters on them, "I forgot Toph couldn't spell."

I examined the banner pieces as Toph crossed her arms over her chest, "The merchant I got them from was half deaf, and gave me those. Turns out they were the wrong ones, and he didn't give back refunds.

I groaned, "ugh."

Sokka shoved the letters back into his bag, "Don't worry Katara, I'll make it work."

"Yeah I know." I sighed, "Sorry, I don't know why I feel so concerned about all this."

Suddenly Toph's eyes widened, "He's coming back."

My heart leapt to my throat. Keeping secrets was such trying work.

"I'll try and meet you on the road once you're done. Hurry!" I urged them all, and without a backwards glance, they ran back the way they had come.

Quickly sitting back down into the dirt, I cupped my hand under my nose, hoping that Zuko wouldn't see them. 

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Thanks for reading! Next part soon. :D 

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