8. Fat

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After school me and Nathaniel went to the park. I couldn't believe I agreed to go on a date with him but he was so nice, and appreciative that I couldn't reject. Adrien was in the past. As soon as I get home I'll erase and throw out all of my obsessive pictures of him to prove it was over. He was still a great friend but no longer my crush. And when I got home that's what I did.

The next morning I woke to the sun peeking from my windows. It seemed so angelic outside. The clouds so puffy and the sky mirroring the ocean. I hurried to school with bright eyes. Racing up the steps of the school. Down the dimes hallways and into my class in the nick of time. I locked eyes with Nathaniel and beamed. The class murmured per usual as I sat in my seat beside Alya.

"Girl what's got you going all melty like." She gave me a questioned look.

"Uh.. What... Nothing! I don't know what you're talking about." I terribly tried to cover up.

"Good morning girls." Adrien greeted sitting before me. Nino close behind with a relaxed wave.

"Morning, Adrien and Nino!" I replied warmly without a stammer. Everyone exchanged curious and worried looks.


Another date with Nathaniel at the park. He really enjoyed the scenery so that he could draw. He explained how he'd venture around to find the perfect place. Inspiration was key. He couldn't just look up something on the internet. He had to feel it come from him and fill the paper.

"I've drawn many different people as I've gone around Paris." He showed me sketches. They looked like Barbie and Ken dolls. Exactly identical.

"They all look the same..." I quietly observed the sketches as women were skinny shaped and men were only abed.

"Well no one would want to buy them if they were curvy right?" He chuckled slightly as he grinned at his pieces. "My favorites are the ones with the couples." He told.

"Yeah. They're all... great..."

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