7. Art Project

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The class erupted. Finally someone stood up. Someone made her shut up for once. Is what everyone shouted. When class ended I was packing my things when Nathaniel approached me with the most adorable and wide grin.

"Thank you for standing up for me Marinette! I'm glad you like my artistic abilities." He beamed.

"I should be thanking you! I'm so honored that you draw me and that you defend me often." I smiled warmly back finishing my packing. Next was art. I entered to find the same people I had just seen before. Including the devil herself, Chloe.

"Good morning class! Settle down, that was the bell!" The teacher shouted drawing our attention. Puns.

"Good morning!" We all greeted.

"Today we will be starting our projects. I will be grouping you into twos randomly. If I hear one groan you'll get a F." He threatened grabbing his clip board. He called out names and no one said a single peep even though they were so desperate to. Finally I was called and paired with Nathaniel. Yes. People awed. Nathaniel was the one everyone was desperate to be paired with. I was one of the lucky ones as well. People were probably planning our funerals. We had all class to get started. We had to design a car of our choosing. And we completed it with flying colors while the rest of the class had to use three more class days to finish themselves. Glares was all I could see for the rest of the day.

"I can't believe they're partners..." Adrien mumbled with annoyance.

"What was that Adrien?" Questioned Rose. But Adrien was to fixated on us two to care.

"Princess..." He grumbled.

"I'm so lucky to have had you as a partner." Nathaniel commented as we turned in our design.

"You're lucky? I should be, I was paired with the talented artist." I responded with wide eyes; shocked and grateful.

"You're the designer. I mean I don't just draw tractors regularly. It's practically your job!" He added.

"You say it as if cars resemble rotting lawnmowers." The teacher grunted angrily.

"I design clothes silly." I giggled as we returned to our seats awaiting the bell and packing up once more.

"We work well together!" Nathaniel grinned with tinted cheeks.

"We do!" I agreed. So sweet and kind. I'm realizing that Adrien will never return my feelings. I already know Nathaniel likes me and he's so admiring and trustworthy and compassionate. He resembles Chat Noir well.

"Marinette. I think you already know this but I like you..." He squinted his eyes with embarrassment. "Will you go out with me, Marinette?!"

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