26 // group chat

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danielle, tom, candice, tyler, daniel, holland, arden

@hollandroden: has anyone heard from crystal?

@cavanaghtom: I haven't heard from her since grant posted his last picture

@candicekp: ^

@tylerposey58: ^^

@arden_cho: ^^^

@danielsharman: why in the world would i care

@hollandroden: you commented on grants picture, you're a witness like it or not

@dpanabaker: the last time I spoke to crystal wasn't actually directed to crystal, it was directed to holland because we're new bffs !!

@hollandroden: bffs!!! #hollielle
@hollandroden: anyone talk to grant?

@tylerposey58: nope

@candicekp: ^

@danielsharman: not anything having to do with them going missing

@hollandroden: Daniel....

@danielsharman: it was two days ago. they only stopped communication 12 hours ago

@cavanaghtom: no

@dpanabaker: nope

@hollandroden: we have to figure out what's going on with grant and crystal

@dpanabaker: agreed

@tylerposey58: ^

@cavanaghtom: ^^

@candicekp: ^^^

@danielsharman: I don't want anything to do with this

[ @danielsharman has left the chat ]

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