Instead of walking close to the guys like I had wanted, Matt instructed me to walk slightly ahead, as if I was guiding them around the city. Of course, there were screams from the fans. But we got away without causing a full scale riot which apparently was a first.

Once back on the bus, I pulled on my hoodie, feeling colder than I had done.

"So what do you wanna do whilst we wait?" Alex passed me another hoodie.

"Can we watch The Parent Trap?" I asked whilst I pulled on the extra layer of clothing.

"Isn't that the one with Lindesy Lohan?" I nodded my head and he shrugged. "Sure, it'll kill a couple of hours at least." I grinned in success at his words.

So that's how we came to be sat on the sofa, I was curled against his side, almost like a cat and we were watching the twins as they pulled the prank on their dad's fiancé.

"Would you have ever done that to someone you don't like?" Alex asked out of the blue.

"Well, not really. But if they'd upset me in anyway, I'd get even instead." I shrugged as she fell into the water. I couldn't stop my giggles at that.

We continued to watch the film until Matt came on the hunt for Alex. Once again, I followed them out and stood side stage as All Time Low performed.

This time, I pinched the back of my hand to remind myself that it wasn't some crazy dream.

There were points where I wanted to be in the crowd, but at the same time, I felt quite lucky when I saw how many kids were being pulled out.

Once the guys were showered and clean, we decided to venture out into the city. I couldn't drink yet, but it didn't mean that we couldn't have a nice meal out somewhere relaxing and away from all the chatter of the fans.

We found a nice café away from the main hustle and bustle of the nightlife, ofcourse, Jack hit on the waitress within minutes and the guys were in hysterics.

It was nice to eat and watch them goof around. Jack kept flicking his fries at Alex, and Alex retaliated by throwing milkshake in his direction.

I had the tray held up in front of my face to avoid getting hit and I was pretty sure that there were photos by now of this childishness.

Finally it hit one am and I started to yawn.

"Child is sleepy!" Alex practically yelled and I glared at him, unable to hide the second yawn.

"We need sleep to have a fun packed day tomorrow!" Jack yelled and they both hauled me from the booth. I knew we were a good fifteen, maybe twenty minutes from the bus and walking whilst I was this tired didn't appeal to me.

But I started walking either way.

It was only when I started nodding off against Alex's arm and he forced me to stop and then stood in front of me.

"Why are you doing that? We need to get back to the bus...?" I questioned, confused.

"Girl, I'm offering a piggy back ride." Comprehension dawned and I attempted to jump on his back, only to fall right off or him to stagger forward and nearly topple over.

"Zack, help please?" Alex whined and I giggled. He sounded like such a child.

Zack gripped my waist and hoisted me onto Alex's back. Once his arms were secure under my thighs and I had my hands around his neck, we continued our journey and I happily nodded off against Alex's shoulder.

I don't remember getting onto the bus, I just remember the temperature changing before I fell back asleep again. I was too exhausted to care where I was in that moment.

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