What to do?

494 27 4

Requested by @Captainswan8802

Killian's POV

I went to the drug story and went down the feminine isle. I have no idea what Im doing. I have never done this for a woman before.

"Hey Killian." David says walking over to me.

"Hi. Why are you being nice to me?" I ask him.

"Well considering what isle your in Im thinking good thoughts for you." He says.

"Do you know what I should get for Emma?" I ask.

"Just get this stuff and it will all be fine." He says.

"Thanks." I say.

"Well Im think Im starting to like you know." He says.

"Im sorry?" I ask.

"The fact that you didnt get my daughter pregnant." He says.

"This time." I say and walk away.

He just gave me a look as I walked out of the store. Hey who knows maybe I will get Emma pregnant sometime.

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