People Actually Use Toilet Paper? Ew.

Start from the beginning

"That's why you love me."

"I think you're confusing love with hate," I returned.

"And I think you're confused about me being sexy."

"That's it, I'm throwing your Christmas present out," I said.

"Oh, so you got me something? What it is?"

"Not telling," I said.

"Where did you hide it?"

"Narnia," I said.

"Is it at home?"

"No," I lied.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"I wouldn't go looking for it, I've all sorts of spells guarding it. Ones that will melt your face off, and make your earlobes hairy," I lied.

"I'm terrified,"

"Seriously Damon, don't look for it. If you do, I'll... I'll throw an oven at you!" I said.

"I think I might start looking in your room..."

"Damon, I swear to god, I'll eat you," I threatened.

"Sure you will. Sorry Marni, gotta go. I have a present to search for."


He hung up on me.

"Stupid arrogant vampire!" I muttered angrily.

I looked up into the eyes of suspicion. Caroline, Bonnie and Elena still thought Damon and I secretly had a thing. I rolled my eyes.

"He is such a child," I said. "He's trying to find where I hid his present."

"Why am I not surprised by that?" Elena asked.

"Well, I gotta go, before he trashes my room," I said. "So I shall see you guys later?"

"Don't forget!" Elena said. "Aunt Jenna invited you, Stefan and Damon over for dinner on Christmas."

"I won't," I said, before leaving the Grill.

I walked into my room to find Damon digging through my underwear draw.

"Hey!" I complained, rushing over and slamming it shut.

"Come on Marni, just tell me where it is," Damon said.

"No," I said.

"At least give me a hint," he said.

"Fine," I said. I thought about it for a moment. "It's not upstairs."

"So you hid it downstairs?" he asked.

I shrugged.

He flashed a grin and disappeared. As soon as he was gone I ran into my wardrobe and opened a chest of drawers, digging through clothes until I found the little crack, pushing it to the side and revealing a false bottom. I grabbed Damon's present out of it and moved as a blur, rushing back into my room and jumping out the window, before Damon realised that I had lied to him.

I ran at vampire speed and I reached Jeremy's house in under a minute. I didn't bother to use the front door, I just checked to make sure no one was looking and jumped through his window. Jeremy was sitting on his bed and he jumped when he saw me.

"Jesus Christ!" he said.

"Nope, just me, although I've been told we're a lot alike," I said with a grin.

"You scared the crap out of me," he said.

"You'd think you'd be used to it by now," I said.

"Listen, Marni-" Jeremy was cut off by the door to the bathroom that Jeremy and Elena shared opening. I snapped my head to the side and Vicki Donovan walked into the room.

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