"We all skipped math." he tells me "Ugh, glad to know I have someone to tutor me." I smile. He looks down at me with a serious expression "Who said we're friends? Better yet who says we'll tutor you?" I open my mouth and close it thinking for a moment. "Oh um, uh.." is all I can get out. He laughs "I'm joking. You're cool. Boys should we let her in our club or?" Joey ask jokingly "Yeah, you're good, you can stay." Derek says He must be the unofficial leader.

"Do y'all all skate?" I ask "Yeah, but I also do BMX" JT says "Oh cool. So what kind of music do y'all listen to?" I ask already assuming it's rock or pop punk. "Pierce The Veil, Asking Alexandria, Of Mice & Men. Other bands like them, but I doubt you know them do you?" Derek answer. Assumption confirmed. "I actually do. I don't listen to Of Mice & Men or Asking Alexandria, but I've heard of them. I guess I listen to the softer side of stuff." I say to them.

"We're gonna convert you!" JT shouts "My place tonight or the skate park boys?" "Skate Park." they all say at once to JT. "Um...did y'all just make my plans?" I ask confusedly "Yeah." Taylor says "Oh and welcome to the worst place on Earth, Clairemont High." he says pointing to the sign that says 'Welcome to Clairemont High School'. Once we pass the sign and I take in the lack of cars out front. I tell/ask them "I've got to go by the office. Wanna show me where it's at?" They all nod their heads. "Can we go by our lockers and put or boards up?" JT ask. I nod my head "Someone strap my board on my bag." I say. Derek grabs it from my hands strapping it onto my bag. "Nice backpack." Derek says "You're not going to fit in here. I'll go ahead and tell you. Especially showing up with us on your first day of school. I hope you have thick skin, or can fight and talk your way out of most things. Then again I guess don't need to worry we've got your back no matter what now. We're gonna be good friends." he says walking beside me to his locker. "C'mon y'all I don't want to be late on my first day!" I say, they get beside me showing me where to go and what classes were what along the way. "This is the office, down the hall is the cafeteria.".

Walking into the office I see an elderly woman typing away on a computer. She pops her head up as she hears the door chime. "What has this poor girl done to show up with you boys?" she ask "We aren't the worst group of people you know?" JT says hopping on to the counter. "Do y'all come up here a lot or something? 'Cause I'm not looking for trouble." I say thinking about why I moved. "No, I'm just messing with them hun. You've picked a good group of boys as friends. I will tell you this though, don't make Derek mad, he has a bad temper. Oh speaking of that hows your hand Derek?" she say chuckling. She also answers my question.

I look at Derek questioningly "It's fine, nothings broke, or fractured. But my locker is still dented." he says flexing his hand. I shake my head. Remembering why I'm here I say "I'm here from a paper I'm supposed to pick up for my classes?" I notice the name plate on the desk says Mrs.Atkins "I've got it dear. Jayla Marie Carlile right?" Please don't ask, please don't ask. I chant in my head. I see JT and Taylor's eyes grow to the size of the moon "CARLILE?!?!" JT all but shouts at me. I look at my shoes and nod my head. He gets on his phone for a second Haha that won't help you any. I almost smile but I catch myself. "Guys. C'mere and look at this." he says staring at his phone. "Dude. That's weird. But I mean it's just a last name, a bunch of people have that last name." Derek says Thank God, I'm gonna cover it up for as long as I can. "Nah, she looks like him though, but he doesn't have kids does he?" "No. He doesn't." "You do know I can hear you right?" I ask annoyed. "Oh uh, it's nothing." Taylor stutters out.

I get my paper from Mrs.Atkins "Anyone wanna tell me where my locker is?" I ask as I'm turing to face the boys "It's the first on our hall." Joey says motioning for me to follow them. I notice there are more kids in the halls then there was. It's easy to spot the cliques, the jocks, the nerds, the drama club, the stoners, the freaks, then theres us, who don't fit any where.

"Earth to Jay" I hear someone say waving their hand in my face "Huh?" I say flicking my eyes to them "You zoned out. Whats up?" "ah, nothing just thinking.".

Taylor stops and pulling me to a stop with him. "If you're worrying about today, you'll be fine. The only class you don't have with one of us is your second and your last class. You'll be fine, just if anyone says anything about or to you ignore them and expect more. Or fight back and have no one bother you anymore." he tells me. I have a feeling me and him are going to be the closest out of the group. "Thanks for letting me know. Anyone I should watch out for?" I ask, knowing every school has the queen B. "Yeah, tall skinny blacked haired girl called Bitty, she's queen B. If she says anything, just know you're going to be going to war if you fight back, so let it go. Okay? and I mean let it go. You seem like the type to like to fight. Keep your mouth shut and your gold okay?" Taylor says, giving me a look. 

***So yeah. New Story, I've got a lot of it wrote already. Updates are going to be super often.***

Austin Carlile is my fatherWhere stories live. Discover now