Trente et un

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Connor felt weird waking up the next morning. He was back together with Troye and it felt nice. But in a way something was missing. Ever since he found out about the kiss, Connor had lost something. Before their relationship had been pure and whole. Maybe Connor was reading into the kiss too much. Though it did stress him out knowing Tyler was physically closer to Troye than him. What if they kissed again? Connor pushed the thought away and proceed to walk closer to his university. He felt like hanging out with his friends.

*Our second life group*

Connor: Wanna hang at my place?

Ricky: YAS MAN

Kian: JC and I are up for that

Trevor: I cant but you guys go ahead

Kian: We will bring alcohol

JC: i can speak for myself. i will bring some games

Ricky: I have cards against humanity


Connor: i will make some snacks

Ricky: Is it just going to be us?

Connor: unless you want to bring someone

Connor: Troye is coming too btw. if thats okay

Kian: Sure. I wanna get to know troye

JC: me too. I havent had the chance

Ricky: He is seriously the greatest

Ricky: I have this boy

Connor: A boyfriend?

Ricky: Kinda. But i feel guilty dating him

Connor: why?

Ricky: Because its Tyler

Connor: It cant be. he is so in love with Troye

Ricky: Not anymore

Connor: Fine bring him. You shouldnt feel guilty

Kian: I am going to bring my best friend then

JC: im already coming

Kian: haha i meant Sam

JC: But why did you call him your best friend then?

Kian: haha calm down

JC: I am your best friend right?

Kian: I have more than one

JC: But im the your bestest best friend

Kian: Of course

JC: Lets not invite Sam then

JC: i dont feel like competing

Kian: haha okay

Connor: See you guys at 8 tonight

Kian: Excited

Ricky: Its going to be a wild night

JC: Cant wait

Connor smiled at the messages and then he remembered. Ricky and Tyler? What was that about? Though now everyone was happy and that was all Connor needed. After a long day at university, he finally could get excited for the his party. Connor had some studying to do, but even before that he needed to pick up Troye from the airport. He jumped into his car and started driving. The roads were weirdly crowded. Connor tried calling Troye, but he didnt pick up. He started getting nervous, mostly because he had no idea what was going on. 

Finally he arrived to the airport, only to find a bigger crowd outside. There were a couple of cops and Connor's heart started beating. Something was not right. He got out and walked over to one of the cops. He asked what was going on and found out someone messed up the flight schedule. 

There is was. In the middle of the mass. He sticked out of the rest. Connor tried to dry up the tears but he could hold them in. He was crying because he was relieved. Troye ran as soon as he saw Connor. When he got closer, he dropped all of his bags. Troye hugged Connor tightly and kissed him over and over again. Connor picked him off the ground and let Troye wrap his legs around Connor's waist. They kissed and the feeling was back. The thing Connor felt was missing was back. As he kissed Troye he realised just how much he loved Troye. He definitely didnt say it enough. They pulled away, their noses touching. Troye breathed out and smiled at Connor.

 "I love you so much." Connor and Troye almost said at the same time. 

"Con. Dont cry. Im fine i promise." Troye said and wrapped his around Connor. He hated how easily he could freak out, but he just couldnt bear the thought of anything happening to Troye. Connor dried up his tears, with his sleeve. Connor hugged Troye and pulled away.

First now Connor noticed Tyler. He hadnt ignored him on purpose. When Troye was around, everything else felt blurred out. Troye jumped down from Connor and collected his bags. They all were in silence for the first part of the ride. No one made an effort with talking to each other.

" So you and Ricky, huh?" Connor stated and kept looking forward. He still didnt get it, but he wasnt going to question it. 

"Yeah its all very new." Tyler replied.

The rest of the car ride no one said anything. Troye drew circles on his thigh with his finger. Connor felt a bit turned on by it. He focused on driving instead. Even with the awkward silence it was nice. Being with Troye. At last they arrived at Connor's  apartment. There was already snacks, alcohol and cleaned up. The others would probably arrive soon, but the three of them still have time to kill. 

Hey guys!

Because of recent events I had to completely change this chapter. There was suppose to be a shooting at the airport. But there has been enough negative things. 

I hope all of you are safe, whether you are living in the us or the rest of the world. If you need someone to talk about, please feel free to write to me.


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