Dix neuf

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Connor: hello stranger

Troye: oh hey dork

Troye: hows the presentation coming along?

Connor: okay. im doing most of the work

Troye: Really? Ricky doesnt seem like the lazy type...

Connor: Oh my god. you are such a fan of him

Troye: you wouldnt feel this way if ricky was a rachel

Connor: no ofc not! haha u crazy

Troye: if you say so. i actually think he is totally gay

Connor: darling he is obviously not straight. still closeted though

Troye: can i ask you a personal question

Connor: sure tro!

Troye: have you ever dated anyone besides me?

Connor: are we dating?

Troye: be serious for a second con

Connor: im sorry. yeah i have been in relationships before you

Troye: were they long?

Connor: one of them were. my longest was two years.

Troye: what happend?

Connor: he cheated on me

Troye: oh that sucks

Connor: why are you curious about that?

Troye: because this is all very new to me. so i will make mistakes

Connor: dont worry troye boy. its not like you kissed another boy and lied about.

Connor: and later i found you in bed with the guy

Connor: still bitter about it. hahah. dont worry about it

Troye: yeah okay

Connor: thats why it took me some time to trust you

Troye: do you trust me now?

Connor: ofc silly. i really like you. i cant wait to see you tomorrow

Troye reread all of Connors recent messages. Warm tears streamed down his face and he threw his phone away. How could something so beautiful turn into a mess? Troye ran his hands through his curly hair frustrated. Maybe he should break things up with Connor, before he found out. He had no idea what the right thing was to do. The trouble caused by one mistaken kiss was huge. Troye needed to relax, he went outside his apartment. He walked to the park and sat near a tree with his favourite book. The book had been read by Troye over and over again, but he never got tired of it. 

He took his headphones in. The sun was out and every now and then there would be a light breeze. The weather was extremely comfortable and Troye enjoyed himself. He then closed his book and looked around. There werent many people in the park, which was weird since it was still summer break for most people. A small barking dog came running towards Troye. At first Troye didnt get why it came to him, but then he saw the tennis ball. Somehow Troye had been one of those people that didnt like dogs. On the other hand he absolutely loved cats. In the future he would love a cat and he might even name it Connor. He quickly threw the ball the other way and stood up to get home.

After a couple of hours in the park, Troye finally got back to the apartment. His parents had invited him to dinner, but he was thinking about cancelling. He didnt feel like talking to anyone. Though it had been a long time since he had seen them. He decided to go anyways. He was greeted by his smiling mom and father. They hugged him tightly and told him how much they had missed him. Troye felt so guilty and sad about forgetting all about his parents. He had been busy with Connor most of the summer and hadnt given them a second thought.

They sat at the dining table eating a home cooked meal and Troye realized how much he had missed his mothers cooking. He kept complimenting her and at last he was completely full. They talked about everything, luckily his parents didnt mention Connor or Tyler. Then they moved into the living room, Troye looked outside the window and only saw utter darkness. It was very pretty late, but Troye decided to stay for a little bit.

" I missed you guys too. Im sorry for being busy with other stuff." Troye said in a lowered voice, wishing his parents wouldnt hear it.

" Troye dont feel bad about it. We know you have other things to do." His mother said reassuring that she was okay. 

" Why dont you sing one of your songs for us?" His father suggested to lighten the mood. His mother repeatedly nodded in agreement. Troye blushed, he hadnt had time for his music. He had mentioned it before to Connor, but they hadnt talked much about it. Even though it was a big part of Troye's life and something he was proud of. Troye started singing his favourite song he had written himself, named heaven. It didnt sound amazing, but it looked like his parents enjoyed it. When he finished the song, his parents looked very proud of him. 

" Now i really have to get home." Troye annouced and stood up from the couch. He walked out in the entry and took his shoes on.

" Why dont you stay here til tomorrow?" His mother asked.

" Connor is coming tomorrow. i need to get ready for that." Troye said. And they finally let him get home.

Qotd: Whats your opinion on the troyler kiss?  Comment which team you are on, team Connor or team Troye

Aotd: I think i am on team Connor, but im not sure....


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