Spider-Man Preferences

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A/N: I tried to do this within the guidelines of the Andrew Garfield or Tom Holland version. Or even Toby Maguire, whatever floats your boats! But I love Tom Holland, because he is just, Tom Holland.

What he does when you cry:

You tried to ignore the group of girls giggling and pointing at you. It wasn't going very well. "I know right! Her boyfriend is even DORKIER!" More hysterical laughing. Your eyes brimmed with tears. The group walked up to you and nudged one girl forward to talk to you, which was apparently quite hilarious, since they couldn't stop laughing. "Hey Y/N?" The girl said. "Yes?" You said irritated. "Is it true-" She bursts into giggles, then breathes slowly and tries again. "Is it true you're boyfriend is Peter DORKER?" You flushed bright red and didn't answer. Another girl stepped forward. "Oh. My. God. He is, isn't he? That little nerd!" They all burst out laughing. Tears threatened to fall. "Aww. Are you gonna cry?" They taunted. "Go. Away." You said, trying to act brave. "Aw! Look at her! You know Y/N? You are really pathetic!" And, you lost it. You hurriedly gathered your stuff and and walked as fast as you could. As you walked out of the field, people stared at you and glared. Then they laughed. You tried to stay calm and then you just fled crying. You stopped at an alleyway to catch your breath. You slumped down the wall and kicked your bag away in anger and sobbed. "Hey." You heard a soft voice above you and looked up. Peter was standing there concerned. "You okay?" He asked. You started to nod, but then you shook your head and cried. "Hey, hey. Shh don't cry." He walked to you and pulled you up and put his arms around you. You cried into his chest as he held you. You calmed down after a few minutes and sniffed and let go. "You good?" He asked. You nodded. "Yea." You smiled. "Come on. I'll walk ya. Gimme your bag." He said. (Cutie patootie) You gave him your bag like always and you both made your way down the street talking. You passed the group of girls and grabbed Peter's hand in front of them and laughed at what Peter said aloud, and then kissed him goodbye as you went down your road. The girls gawked.

What you do when he gets upset:

(In this one we're gonna pretend his Uncle got to the hospital and didn't die, okay?)

You were tidying your room humming to Victorious by P!ATD, when your phone started to ring. It was Peter. "Hey Web man, wattup?" You hollered. "Y/N, can you come over? Please?" He sniffed and sounded like he was trying not to cry. You looked at the time and it was 12 am on a school night... "Sure!" You said trying to sound enthusiastic. "Thanks." Before you could reply, Peter put the phone down. "Hm. Strange." You thought. You crept downstairs and heard your pathetic excuse of a step-father snoring on the couch with a bottle of beer in his hand. You scowled and walked out of the door. You slammed the door hard behind you and heard a loud cry of surprise from outside the window. You laughed as you ran through the streets. When you got to Peter's, there were police cars parked outside. "Oh God. What happened?" You began to worry. You ran up to the door and rapidly knocked and then Peter came to the door. He looked better last week. His eyes were red and looked sore from itching and his button nose was slightly pink. "Come in." He said hoarsely. You slowly walked in. You caught his hand and turned him around so that he was facing you. "Peter. What happened?" You whispered. He was trying not to cry. He took a deep breath. "My uncle. He-he got shot." Your breath hitched. Uncle Ben was like a father to you. Aunt May was like your mother. The first time Peter brought you home to them, they were both so amazing and kind to you. You were overwhelmed by cookies and hugs, which you didn't mind. The point is you loved them like your own parents. "Peter, I'm so sorry." You dropped your satchel on the floor and enveloped him in a hug. His shoulders shook slightly as he cried into your shoulder. You blinked back tears as you had to be strong for Peter. He let go. "Where's Aunt May?" You asked softly. "In the kitchen." He said with a blocked nose. You nodded. "Ok. Why don't ya go sit down for bit, while I talk to Aunt May, yeah?" You said gently. He nodded and went into the sitting room. As soon as he went, you broke down crying. You fought to hold the tears back and stop, but they kept coming. A few minutes after you got a hold of yourself. You went into the kitchen where two policemen were insisting on asking a poor shaken up Aunt May. You felt anger and stormed up to the officers, who were speaking rather rudely. "Hey officers? Yeah hi! Erm, I think you should both piss off before I make you. Get the hell out." They just looked at each other. You rolled your eyes. "Yeah I'm talking to you numb nuts. GO." They walked out quickly. You turned to Aunt May and hugged her. She clutched you and sobbed. "Shh. It's ok. He'll be ok Aunt May. Shhh." You said softly as you stroked her hair. She shook as she let go of your shoulders. "G-go and check on P-Peter." You sadly smiled. "Ok Aunt May. But first I'm going to take you to your room, ok? You need some rest." She nodded and let you gently take her arm her and take her to her room. You tucked in a sleepy, teary Aunt May, and left to go to Peter's room. You slowly opened the door slightly and poked your head in. "Knock knock?" You whispered. Peter was sat in his bed with his back faced towards you. You walked in and closed the door quietly. Peter said nothing as you took off his jacket and shoes and put him into bed. You kissed his forehead and whispered, "I'll come back tomorrow baby." You turned to leave, when Peter caught your arm. "Stay? Please?" He whispered hoarsely. You took off your jacket and shoes and crept into his bed. He put his head on your chest and cried himself to sleep. You stifled your sobs as one of you needed to be strong for the other. That's how it worked.

What he does when he's jealous:

He walks over to whoever is flirting with you and introduced himself. It goes something like this: "Hey. I'm Peter Parker. Her boyfriend. Which means she's my girlfriend. That means we're in a relationship. And we love each other. And no matter how much you make yourself appealing to Y/N, she's gonna hate you and slap you anyway, so." And as if on cue you sarcastically smile and slap the self-absorbed flirt. Then you and Peter walk off as if nothing happened, having a conversation about your day today.

When he gets angry and scared you:

You whimpered as Nat sewed up your cut. "There! All done!" She said brightly. "Thanks Nat." She walked out of the room as Peter stormed in. "What the hell Y/N? Are you trying to get yourself killed?! Goddamnit!" He paced around the room. You got angry and yelled back, "I couldn't just sit there! I'm an Avenger! IT'S WHAT I DO PETER! I RISK MY LIFE FOR OTHERS! WHAT DID YOU WANT ME TO DO? SIT ON MY FREAKIN ASS?!" Peter spun around and shouted, "YES! I DO Y/N! WHAT WOULD I DO IF I DIDN'T HAVE YOU? HOW WOULD I LIVE WITH MYSELF?" He faltered. You had tears streaming down your face. "How would I live with MYSELF, Peter? If something happened to YOU?" He walked over to you and hugged you. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was just, I just got scared. I can't live without you. I just can't." You looked up at him and smiled. "Vice versa." You kissed him.

Fear Chamber:

"Are you sure Y/N?" Peter asked. You nodded firmly. He smiled. "I love that about you." You blushed. He slipped his hand into yours and walked you down the hallways with Fury. You reached the doors and stopped. You turned and kissed Peter. He blushed as you had Fury. He rubbed the back off his neck as Fury secretly smirked. "I love that about you." You laughed as you went inside and jumped slightly, as the doors slammed behind you. You went into the darkness as loud hissing jets of steam shot out from the vents and you felt your head getting lighter, until you blacked out onto the padded floor.
You heard a loud crackle. You took a deep breath and inhaled smoky fumes. You gagged and spluttered as you bolted upright. You looked around you screaming. You were in a locked apartment that currently looked like hell. Then you saw Peter sprawled out on the floor, unconscious. He wasn't breathing either. You ran over to him, dodging a flaming piece of the ceiling that seemed hell-bent on giving you a concussion. You dropped to your knees beside Peter and grabbed his wrist and pressed your fingers to it. Your fingers pressed to his neck to find some sort of pulse. But there was nothing. You screamed and howled with tears. "NO! NO! HE ISN'T DEAD. HE'S FINE. YOU CAN'T DO THIS PETER. YOU SWORE! YOU SWORE YOU'D BE THERE FOR ME."
*Meanwhile in the control room of the fear chamber*
Peter watched the screen with tears in his eyes. "Come on Y/N." He whispered.

"HELP ME. PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP." You ran to the door and Windows banging on them as hard as you could. Then you got angry and ran over to grab Peter and pulled his arm over your shoulder and heaved him up. You cried with the weight. You tried to run as fast as you could towards the door and gently lay Peter on the ground. He exhaled a small puff and you laughed with joy. You bent down and kissed him on his boiling forehead. "I'll get us out Peter. I promise." You whispered. You took a few steps back and screamed your head off as you bolted towards the door and slammed into it with your shoulder. A sharp pain shocked through your arm. You sobbed as you took a few steps back and ran with full force again with the other shoulder. The wooden door split and you grinned madly and kicked it as hard as you could. The door gave in and fell to pieces. You hauled Peter over your shoulder again and carried him out as he groaned. As soon as you stepped out the door, the burning apart rn behind you vanished. You collapsed onto the ground and felt dizzy. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you passed out next to Peter.

You booted upright and screamed. Peter ran into the room and held your shoulders and spoke to you soothingly. "Hey, hey. It's alright! You're OK, you're ok." You grabbed him and hugged onto him as tight as you could. "You- you were hurt. I tried to get you up, I tried. I thought you were gone." You cried into his chest. He cradled you back and forth. "I'm fine, I'm ok!" You looked at him with red eyes and kissed him. Then you sat there in his arms, feeling safer than you ever had been.

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