What he does when you cry

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Bucky: When you cry he sits you in his lap and puts your head into the crook of his neck and holds onto the back of your head, running his fingers through your hair. He rocks you back and forth until your cries turn to sniffles and hiccups and then peppers your face with kisses and wipes your tears away.

Thor: He sweeps you up and carries you bridal style and takes you to his room and sits down and holds you in his arms like a baby. Then when you drift of to sleep, he smiles and lays you next to him and pulls a blanket over you, kisses your face and then lies next to you and goes to sleep.

Tony: He takes you by the hand and goes up on the top floor to look at the beautiful scenery of the city, because he knows how much you love to sit there for hours on end sketching.

Steve: He takes you to the sitting room and puts a song that you can slow dance to and wipes your tears with his thumbs and cradles your face in his big hands and kisses your cheeks.

Loki: He lifts you up and puts you on the kitchen counter where you wrap your legs around his waist and he sways side to side until he feels you slump on his chest asleep. Then he takes you to your room and lies you on your bed and smiles when he turns to go, but your hand clutches on to his shirt, so he lies down next to you.

Bruce: He takes you to his lab and lets you help with the experiments and smiles as you stick your tongue out in concentration. Then you giggle when you see him staring and smiling at you. He laughs back and puts jazz on so you both dance to it together.

Clint: He takes you down to the archery room and you both practise together and he kisses you and wipes your tears away and you both go and spy on the others and laugh uncontrollably whenever you spy on Tony as he dances like an idiot.

Pietro: He calls you his princess in Romanian, it makes you feel special and he knows that. When you cry he tuts and with his delicious accent says, " No, no. This will not do, princesses do not cry! Here let me fix this!" Then he puts his palms on your tear-soaked cheeks and wipes your tears away and kisses your salty lips. You giggle, and he smiles into the kiss and then lets go and childishly says, " Yay!" Doing a small victory dance. The others laugh, but he couldn't give a damn, as long as his princess is happy, he is happy!

Sam: When you cry, you cry alone. You don't like others seeing you cry, so you go into a room and cry. This time it was the bedroom. You were crying about your horrid day at work, when Sam walked in. " Hey ba-" He stops. He goes up to you and sits beside you. " Baby what's wrong?" He ever so gently asks. "EVERYTHING!" You scream and cry loud, letting it all out. His eyes widen, but lets you carry on. And then halfway into the rant, he'll pull you into his lap and randomly kisses you in between words. Which just makes you forget, whatever you were crying over.

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