When he realized he was in love with you (Bucky)

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A/N: Warning! Mentions of abuse.

You were in the car with all the Avengers driving to  another meeting. You were sat next to Bucky, who was currently talking to Steve. You looked out of the window and squinted. 'Was he doing what I think he was?'  "Stop the car! Stop!" You burst out. The driver screeched to a halt. Bucky turned to you and grabbed your hand. "What's wrong? Are you okay? " You looked more closely the the monster across the street. You ripped the seat belt off and yelled. "Open the door! Open this damn door!" The shaken driver quickly unlocked the doors. You slammed the car door open and ran across the street. "Hey! Stop it!" You screamed. "Leave her alone!" You waved your hands madly and yelled. The man turned around and his eyes widened as he saw you storming towards him. He ran off and Tony sighed as he brought out his briefcase and it transformed him into his Iron suit. (A/N: Lol transformed makes him sound like a unicorn.) He flew off after the guy as you ran towards the woman on the floor. She was whimpering on the ground as you knelt to your knees beside her. She shrieked and scrambled to get away when you gently held her elbow. "It's ok. He can't hurt you." She stopped wriggling and looked up at you with big brown eyes, then she burst into tears and grabbed your waist and hugged you tightly. You put your arms around her and slightly swayed her. "Shh. It's ok. You're okay." After she calmed down, Tony had caught up with the arsehole, that dared to lay a finger on this woman, and needless to say, he looked as if he had been beaten up. Several times. You scowled at him as Steve escorted the poor woman into the car. You walked up to him and gave him a quick jab in the stomach with your fist and kneed him in face as he doubled over in pain. Then you went to punch him as hard as you could in his... Genitalia. But Tony hauled him out of your path of wrath. (A/N: Heh, see what I did there?) You screamed as your fist collided with the cold hard metal of Tony's suit. "Y/N! Are you okay?" Bucky yelled as you kneeled on the ground hugging your fist. "I'll be fine as soon as I finish this son of a bitch!" You got up to jump on the son of a bitch, when Bucky grabbed your waist and hauled you over his shoulder back to the car. He sat you down in the open boot of the car and held your hand, gently examining it. "Bucky! I had him! Bucky!" You hissed. He cut you off as he kissed you. He pulled away. "I know." He smiled and tended to your sore knuckles

A/N: Hey guys, I know this is about a female being abused, but there are also many men out there being abused and oppressed too, just raising awareness.                                                                                              Love ya'll! xx

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