Butterscotch's grip on my hand tightens as he stared into the light. I gave a squeeze back as Ave jumped down.

"BS4E!" Eddy called him.

I took my hand out of his and and we both jumped down. Meeting up with the others we found a flag with the Templar symbol on it. Ed had a match in his hand and an annoyed face.

"Burn it." The three of us say together to him.

As it went up in flames we recited the creed's anthem. It was a truly majestic moment.

 It was a truly majestic moment

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"...That was fun." I break the silence with.

"We must find every Templar and kill them." Connor declared.

"We could make it a game, the first person to kill the most of them gets to choose where they stay and work for a week." Eddy suggested.

"You make everything a challenge." Aveline said with a smirk.

"This is my first challenge." I throw my arms in the air. "You'll join, right Ave?"

"How can I say no to that face?" Aveline replied.

"Then let's meet back here in forty-five minutes." Con-con decided.

"Ready?" Edward called.

"Set?" Aveline picked up.

Connor looked to me and mouthed a countdown. I guess since it's usually the three of them so that's how it works.

"Go!" Butterscotch and I scream in unison.

We each take off in different paths. I easily maneuver up a wall into a hole leading up. I'm always alone. I still feel Connor's warmth on my hands. I pause at the entrance to the hole to look at my hands. I'll help you wind-rider, even more than you allow me to.

"I think there is somethin' suspicious about that gent' Lee." I hear a Templar tell another.

I let them pass me. In a crouched position I walk behind them until I'm close enough for the kill.  As I release my dagger from its holster I slice it across one Templar's throat. The other turns and I plunge my dagger into his throat and then slice it as I pull it out. Blood got on me which I'm going to have to hand clean.

I wander the catacombs searching for more Templars. When I was walking I hear voices below me. Taking the nearest hole down I see six Templars sitting around playing cards. I really could use a sword right now. Dropping down I take out my dagger and charge the closest one. I shove it into his chest and slap the other Templar then get my dagger. The four left all pull out their swords. Moments like this really make me want to talk in my "cattywampus" dialect. I hold in my words of bitter envy and block the sword attacks. One of them cut me from behind so I kicked him and sliced at him only to be cut from another. I finish off the Templar and then turn to the three. Two attacked me and the other went behind me. I slide into the one sneaking and guide my dagger into his temple. The other two appear more scared. With just the two of them it's easy for me to dodge, block, or hit. I finish them off and use my med kit to temporarily help my wounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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