
34 8 13

Roses are red, violets are blue

Look, what love has turned you into?

Glancing blankly, smiling all the time

Without any reason, then people guessed it right

Travels into another world with someone in the mind.

Imagining the beauty of love and hope to get it back in return

Every time you see that person, it fills you with cheers

It may not be same for them as you think, you should understand as crystal clear

Once you lose them, they will never come back to you

Think before falling for someone, what love can turn you into?

Hope is actually a mistake, makes you blindfolded

It dies every time and awakes up again

You cannot fix things up, nothing can be molded

Makes you emotionally weak, takes decision without thinking with brain

There comes a day when your hope takes a transformation

To not deal with this again, carrying stained heart everywhere

See, loving someone more than you, makes you believe in

Love can never be true and should not be there into existence.

Quote of the day -

Let the world transform you

Or you transform the world.


This poem is dedicated to thatbocaluv
She's such a sweetheart and has just started writing. You all should check out her work. Xoxo. ❤❤❤

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