» one ; prologue

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I grabbed Knox' leash and walked out of the house to go to the forest nearby. I always walk my 4-month-old husky, Knox at the afternoon.

It's cloudy today and it's fine with me, I can now walk without sweating every 10 minutes.

I always liked to walk at this forest. It has many trees, also an open space with flowers around and when I walk there, the wind is always present and I could feel the fresh air. I noticed that at the far end of the forest, a cottage stands. I didn't care about it at all, maybe it's abandoned.

We reached the forest and I start to notice that the clouds became darker and the wind became colder, I took this as a sign that a rain is coming.

I looked down at Knox and we just walked until I notice something at my peripheral vision, I saw something move.

I instantly became nervous, this is the first time. The first time in my three months of walking here. I thought no one else was here. Besides the spirits from 1950 my grandpa said that lived here.

I didn't believe it because this is a peaceful place and has a lot of beautiful flowers, although my grandpa said that the spirits doesn't bother you unless you do something to them.

I haven't seen one yet. I heard something move and Knox barked. I grabbed the leash tightly then the rain started to pour, the rain was heavy and I instantly went to a near tree and sheltered there.

I leaned at the tree trunk and observed the rain. What did just happened? I can feel someone's presence. I can feel it.

"Hey shorty." Someone said. I jumped from my position and I felt goosebumps on my skin. Oh god. Who said that?!

I looked around then I saw someone, someone with a mask on. His whole face was covered with a black mask. I frowned and at the same time, I was frightened.

I looked at him and my observation says, he has a black hair and he was tall, like 6 foot. But he still doesn't have the right to call me shorty! I'm 5'5. He is wearing a white shirt and jeans is a bit wet. I could see some abs. What the hell am I thinking?! Oh my god! This could be a rapist!

I backed away as soon as he was nearing me. I looked at him and noticed that he was bare-footed. This guy is weird. Very weird.

"Who are you?" I shouted at him. Knox continiously barked at the guy and I just stared at him. He just looks normal aside from he was wearing a mask and is bare-footed.

I stopped backing away. Is he a spirit?

This time, I'm the one coming to him. He was just standing and I held tightly Knox' leash while he kept on barking.

I looked at his eyes and now, I'm infront of him.

"I always see you around here." He said and his voice was deep, a bit muffled because he was wearing a mask.

I could only see his eyes. It was the lightest shade of brown. I think it's pretty.

I just realized what he had said. He always? Always?!

"Do you... live here?" I said and I slowly raised my hand to touch him if he is real.

"You can say that, I grew up here." He said. I was about to touch him but then he suddenly backed away.

"Don't touch me." I flinched then I looked at him again.

"Why?" I frowned and kept my hands to my side.

He was silent for a few minutes and he was just looking at my eyes. I don't think he's that old. I'm nineteen and he looks like a twenty-one year old guy based on the build of his body.

"Because... if a mortal touches me, I'll... I'll be gone." I was surprised at the information he had just told me. Even though he is weird...

I found something special with him.

"Aren't you a mortal?" I asked. He is silent once again. I waited for his response.

"I guess, no." He said in a monotone voice.

I looked at his eyes, never leaving there. I smiled at him.

"What's your name?" I asked.

The rain started to be light and the sun is peeking. He started to step back slowly.

I could see from his eyes that he had smiled. The distance between us became bigger and then he spoke.

"It's... Gin." Then he was out of my sight.

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