It didn't take long until we were going into the building. The guard who called us in stares at Paisley longer than he should've making me snarl and put her on the opposite side of me.

I was ready to tear him apart and anyone else that got in my way. If they couldn't tell, I wasn't in the mood for anyone's shit.

He only smirks at me which made me think he was mocking me, but then worry comes off of Paisley and I realize, this was a trap all along as men start closing in on us.

I pushed Paisley behind me as she grabbed my arm and tried yanking us back outside but she's grabbed from me as I kill one of the guards, then turn to the one taking my mate away.

My wolf started trying to come out as I lunge for her, but I'm pulled back making me snarl and kill the guard who took hold of me.

My mind felt like it was on over drive as I fought guard after guard to get to her, and I looked up into her eyes frantically.

She looked scared, as she looked my way, which made me fight harder.

There was no way I could let her get taken away from me, not again.

My wolf starts fighting a lot harder, trying to come forward regardless of the wolfsbane in our blood, and I soon learn why he was more frantic than before to get out.

"Stop! What are you doing to them?!" Sophia's voice rings in my head, and I'm quick to look her way, now scared for her too.

Any anger I had felt towards her slowly started to melt in seconds, and all I wanted was her safe and away from here. Guards grab her roughly trying to drag her away as tears showed in her eyes as she looked at me, screaming.

Seeing her that way, the tears in her eyes, the helpless look as she watched me struggle broke something inside of me.

It woke up strength in me that I didn't know I had. Not just physical strength, mental strength. I could do this.

I snarl throwing off guards, some I killed, some I didn't, at this point I didn't care. Two of the most important people in my life were in front of me hurting, and I was going to stop it somehow.

Faintly I could hear Paisley screaming something, but at this point I drowned everything out.

Out of all the things that have occurred in the short day, I knew I could say I fought hard. And I knew somewhere in my heart, mom and dad would be proud of me fighting for my sister and mate the way I did.

It brought me joy knowing that I caused these people a small amount of the pain they were causing me through their guards.
"Bring them in this way." A voice says as they start walking us towards a white door.

"Don't touch me! Get your fucking hands off me or I swear I will bite your dick clean off! Paisley! Luke!" Sophia screams as she thrashes against guards.

I looked her way as she fought, wishing I could send her some form of comfort. I wanted her to know things would be okay, that I'd make it through this.

That I would survive.

Sophia was the last thing I saw as I'm dragged into a room, separated from Paisley by a giant wall of glass.

Snarling at the guards to unhand me, they let me go allowing me to make my way to Paisley, and put my hand to hers on the mirror.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, she fought hard today, as hard as she could have and I was proud of my mate.

Not being able to do anything else at this point, I simply watched her with worry as she cried. I wanted to hold her, touch her, say something to her, anything that would put her at ease. That this wasn't the end, we'd live.

Soon, as anticipated when I saw the chair in the room, I'm dragged backwards and thrown in a chair, being bolted down with straps. I fought against them, only not as hard when I wasn't in this room. What would I have been fighting for anyways? Best case scenario I kill the ones in the room and they send in more guards to do whatever they plan on doing, and the cycle would continue.

Paisley now starts crying and banging on the glass, then turns to the two guards at the door and kills them.

But what worries me about how she killed them, was that she hasn't shifted. She didn't kill them with her bare hands, and she certainly didn't kill them with canines and claws, she killed them with fangs.

Purple fangs.

Ariah fangs.

I snarl at the people in the room trying to get close to me, and I look back at my mate trying to make sense of what was happening to her. What were they really doing to us?

It was clear now that my mate was having a break down. She continued to cry and throw herself, banging against the glass most likely trying to break it. There was no use though, it was obviously laced with magic, unbreakable.

My wolf and I were worried for our mate, she was unstable and scared, she was alone even though I was so close which drives me crazy.

My wolf and I also kept thinking of our sister, wondering what was happening to her. She was all alone as well. If we weren't protecting her, who was?

The thought of not knowing drove me crazy and even though I was unsure myself, I tried reassuring him she was strong, and as I looked at Paisley's tear stained cheeks as she looked around herself, I concluded she was too.

And I was okay with believing that until I saw Ariah walk in making me immediately start to struggle at the thought of him near her.

Deep down I knew Paisley was staring at me, looking for comfort but my eyes stayed on Ariah. Dread and panic seeped into my heart as I jerk at my restraints, becoming frantic as Ariah gets closer to her.

I start yelling at nothing as I try getting off this damn chair.

"Let the fun begin!" He giggles, then injects her with serum in her neck.

My eyes went wide but as I look at Ariah's happy, unapologetic eyes, I became livid.

He was going to die, and by my hands.
* * *

Hope you guys like this chapter, I plan on updating at least one chapter for all of my books today so check my other stories for that :)

I hope you all are having a good day lovelies ❥

♧ 1434everr ♧

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