Another story

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As we both grow and mature. We never leave each others side.

And we both had forgot the feeling we had that day in the rain. We already moved on. And those main characters we helped create and tried to destroy, well they're still happy. Happily wedded.

"It is quite the lovely day to meet you here, Alfred."

It was on a sunny day in a small coffeehouse I always go when I had my days off.

"You look lovely today too, Alice."

A blush would probably be in my cheeks by now with that simply endearing words. But it's not like I'm bragging but I always hear that particular comment from him.

"Eh, what brings you here?"

I asked as he sipped on his coffee with a small drop of chocolate syrup in it, as usual.

"I'm on my break..."

I smiled as I glanced around the coffeehouse seeing a very busy place. Looking back at him.

"Well, from the looks of it. Its a very bad time for you taking a break when everyone around is busy doing their jobs, Mr. Manager."

"Well, I can't help it. Its not everyday that my wife would come on her husband's humble coffeehouse on her day off. I truly missed my wife that it makes me relax just looking at you."

We we're once the supporting characters. But it wouldn't hurt if we can at least shrugged off that title and made our own story and become our own main characters now , do we?

"I missed my husband too."

Maybe just like us, all the supporting characters had their own different story. We just have to at least appreciate them and let them know that even the likes of them can be the main story of another story.


Supporting CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now