A story told by a stranger

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What does supporting character means?

That was a question I failed to understand. When I first answered it, I said:

They are the ones who will help the main characters face their problems and will lead them to their eventual happy ending.

After that, some of my classmates said that they're the people behind the main characters, casually passing by or like an audience, you'll probably spot when watching some movies, but didn't gave them any second glances.

In short, they're insignificant or not important.

Whatever it is, I didn't really accepted that that's they're purpose. They had a very important job to do, and yet... I still don't know what.

But as I grew up, I realize supporting characters aren't really that essential.

They did have a very important role, but no one gives a supporting character a time to know them.

That's why I believe, I myself is one of them. A character you wouldn't even try to look at.

It probably didnt matter, but my name is Alice.

And this is a story about a supporting character falling in love with a main character.

Supporting CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now