Chapter 21: The Promise

Start from the beginning

*time forward* (after dinner)

After a delicious dinner, the girls and I were sitting round the table sipping red and white wines. It was getting late so I politely excused myself from the table for a minute to go up to the room and grab Lauren's special surprise my heart pounded as I reached the bottom of the stairs and entered the kitchen. The girls were all laughing at something or other and I walked in and stood silently in an awkward position "you alright there?" Dinah asked furrowing her brows "Um yeah.. I-im ok uhh.. Normani, Dinah ,Camila, Ally may I speak with you all quickly for a second" I asked nervously I glanced at Lauren and noticed that she was already giving me a confused look "be right back babe have some more wine" I said kissing her soft lips "Ok hurry back though" she shouted as  I led the girls hastily into the living room and checked my surroundings quickly. The girls stood there staring at me with complete confused looks on their faces "girl why you pull us in here like a football huddle?" Dinah broke the silence she was loud enough for Lauren's curiosity to get the best of her so I had to shush her. I reached in my pocket and pulled out two boxes one long rectangular box and one small square box. The girls were still unsure of what my deal was I quickly peaked into the kitchen and witnessed Lauren pouring another glass of red wine and humming to herself. "Girl ur acting all weird what's up?" Normani cut in taking my distraction off of Lauren. I opened both of the boxed and set them on the table beside me "daaaaaaaamnnnn" the girls said in unison as they stared at the jewelry "I picked this up for lauren.. today while I was out its a promise ring and and this necklace is a diamond encrusted head it sits on her chest just as the center of her heart so when her heart beats this little diamond in the middle vibrates" I said "holy crap chick that's so cuteee!" Dinah shouted and was immediately shushed by the girls and I. "sorry" she whispered harshly "ohh y/n
It's so beautiful she's going to love it." Ally said sweetly the girls shook their heads in agreement "So like how much did this all cost it looks pretty expensive" Camila asked innocently. "Umm roughly $22,-" "Holy shit!!! $22,000!!" Dinah yelled! "Dinah!!" The girls whispered harshly "what! That's alot of money homegirl bout to put a ring on It for real for real okaaayyy! Lauren bout to be on lockdown" Dinah said giving her famous ducklips and eye squint at me I chuckled and shook my head "What's taking you guys so long I'm lonely in here!" Lauren shouted from the kitchen. "I'm nervous" I said my voice a little shaky. "Don't be you're ready" Ally said placing her hands over mine. We all walked back into the kitchen Lauren looked at us an a huge close mouthed smile crossed her face "what we're you all talking about ?" She asked as she helped herself to another glass of red wine I noticed that this was her 4th glass and I decided to stop her before she got any drunker. "Um Lauren there's something that I wanna tell you..." I said my voice was shaky her smile changed to a frown she glanced around at the girls and noticed that they were all trying so hard to hold back tears and smiles. Lauren turned back to me and furrowed her perfect thick eyebrows. "W-whats going on?" She looked back at me as if waiting for an answer. I walked up to her and heard the girls stand up Lauren stood up her eyes never left mine. I got on my knee in front of her and looked up at her her hands flew to her mouth and her eye's started to water "Oh my god" she mumbled I opened the box containing the ring and watched as her eyes bucked open "nooo ,nooo" she said breathlessly "lauren" I said as I took the ring out of the box I took her hand and placed the ring on her finger she immediately began crying and gasping her cry was so cute it reminded me of a spoiled 5 yr old. "Lauren" I continued " I love you with all of my heart and with every atom of my soul, from the moment we met as friends I fell madly in love with you and Even Though there were unforseen circumstances along the way that kept me from being with you now that I finally have you I can't see myself without you in my life, I want to fully commit myself to you in love trust,loyalty,and faithfulness, I want to always be thw one that you come to when you need a shoulder to cry on, I want to be the one to wipe all of your tears away when you cry, and be strong for you in your times of weakness I know it's not a wedding wedding ring YET but it a a promise ring that I am giving to you not only as a promise of my undying love and commitment to you but it's a promise that one day I'll make you my wife when the time is right and we both are ready,Lauren I swear there is no other woman that has ever made me even half as happy as you have made me in these past couple of weeks, no other woman that has my heart fully and completely no other woman makes me feel like you do, no other woman I could dream of making love to every night except you" "Damn okaayyyy" Dinah chimed in cutting me off "Dinah" Ally scolded "what Lauren be gettin' hers nothing wrong I'm with that" we all erupted in laughter I turned back to Lauren and stood up securing the beautiful diamond ring on her finger "baby what I am trying to say is... I wanna be with you and only you for the rest of our lives I want to grow old with you and even drink prune juice with you when we turn 80 I love you so much and I want to commit myself fully to you on this day so I promise you that you will always come first in my life,you will always be the only woman that I want your not only my girlfriend but you are the bestest friend that I've ever had you have never judged me and you've always stood by me when I needed you.. baby I know I am not perfect and I can't promise you that I'll always be but I will promise you that I will try."

We stood in silence staring at one another tears were streaming from Lauren's eyes I used the pads of my thumbs to wipe them away . I turned to the girls and they were already crying "So will you-" "YES! YES BABY!" Lauren jumped in my arms I placed my arms under her to hold her up as we kissed one another passionately lauren lowered herself down and walked over to the girls they all hugged her and began screaming and crying I stood back smiling as tears fell from my eyes I couldn't believe that I finally had the girl I've always wanted and she wanted me and I was so happy.

*time forward*

It was late around 1:45am I was just finishing up washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen. The girls had gone to bed about an hour ago and it was starting to feel a little sleepy myself. Lauren had gone to take a shower upstairs about 10 minutes ago so I figured that I would head up to our room once I had finished locking up downstairs. I was just finishing drying off a few plates and setting them inside of the cabinets when I felt arms slowly wrap around my waist and a body pressed against mine "baby it's late come to bed and cuddle with me" Lauren whined. I turned to kiss her sweet ,soft lips "Ok baby just let me lock up and I'll be right up" I said kissing her once more.
"Hurry up" she said seductively I turned back to her and she winked at me and bit her lip "hurry up babe okay" she repeated. "I will hey come here" I said gently taking her hand and pulling her into me I ran my hands through her long dark she closed her eyes and smiled "I love you you know that" "I love you too baby" she whispered opening her beautiful green eyes I leaned forward and kissed her the kiss quickly became intense until she slowly pulled away. "Lock up n come to bed baby I'll be waiting" I held onto her hand until our
Embrace broke. She smiled at me and headed up the stairs. I walked around the house securing doors,Windows and locks and finally set the alarm and made my way upstairs to the bedroom that Lauren and I shared. I walked in and noticed that Lauren was sound asleep she looked beautiful when she slept I didn't want to wake her so I took a quick shower, changed into my night clothes which consisted of boy shorts undies and a wife beater (yeah idk what these shirts are called?)

And got into bed as quietly as possible I scooted close to Lauren and realized that she was completely naked I ran my hands across her soft pale skin and kissed her shoulder she moved a bit but didn't wake up. I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier withing seconds I was asleep.

A/N I could have been finished with this chapter yesterday but I got side tracked!! If I made any grammatical errors or miss spellings I'll go back tomorrow and proof read and edit everything but here is chapter 21 PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS!! AND VOTE LOVE YOU GUYS!

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