Lithuaina (Toris Laurinaitis)

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Mom-She looks terrified, like someone is about to come up and hit her or something. (Me- it's a boy.) No she's not, she's a girl. Why else would they draw her like a girl?

Dad- Lithuania is scared of everything. She thinks everyone is out to get her. She doesn't even try to look brave. She eats milk and toast for all three meals since that was her dead grandma's favorite food. (Me- He's a boy.) She's transgender. She used to be a boy, but now she's a girl.

Grandma- I told you! This one is more girly than the last! I'm going to assume it's a boy from now on. You can't trust cartoons these days. She's- I mean he's really scared because he went behind his parent's back and watched a horror movie.

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