Submission 1141

121 11 3

I wanted to give you guys an update on the bullying. I'm the girl from submission 836. Its the last week of school and then it'll be summer. The bullying has gotten far too bad to where I had my 3rd suicide attempt in January. I've decided to try and turn my life around. I'm moving schools for 8th grade and I'm very excited. I already have a group of friends at the new school. On June 16 I'll be 1 month clean :). I am still struggling with my disorders but I am putting up a fight and trying my best not to let my thoughts win. You can too! The reason you are here on this earth is because you have a purpose. Weather you believe it or not, you matter. Your life is like a story. It has sad chapters building up to a happy ending, but if you end your story, you'll never get to see your happy ending. My username is @faithnoelle_16 feel free to pm me if you need someone to talk to

BULLIED 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin