I stiffen when I realized I was practically on Troye and pulled away quickly.

"Sorry I just-"

His eyes were dark, but this time it wasn't because of the food. I felt my breath catch as I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips and back up to my eyes. Before I knew what I was doing, my lips crashed onto his and our churros were forgotten. His seemed surprised a first but quickly dissolved into the kiss, pulling my waist closer to his hips. My arms wrapped around his neck and tugged his curls while his hands roamed across my back in a fury of passion and shared feelings.

I pulled my lips back and searched his face for emotion and I saw all of it as he smiled and leaned down to place a lingering whisper of a kiss near my mouth which seemed like he was..licking my cheek?

"You taste sweet."

His voice was deep and raspy which made me shiver with content.

"Must have been the churros."

Eyes flickering around his face to memorize his emotions, I saw his own turn to mine.

"Fuck those damn churros."

Leaning down, he caught my mouth and began to tug gently on my bottom lip but I refused and caught his cheek, leaving kisses along his jawline. Troye grew impatient and growled in frustration which made my heart hammer more than I thought possible. His lips came back toward mine but this time his hands gripped my ass making me gasp in surprise letting him conveniently enter my mouth.


Our tongues moved together in synchronization as we each battled for dominance. His hands moved to my hair and mine tightened around his neck to pull him closer. I enjoyed the taste of nutella and cinnamon on his lips and savored the heat between us.

I recalled we were in a public place and I detached our lips, moving my head to rest on his shoulder before he could tempt me again.

"We're still on the curb," I whispered into his ear.

"I know," he whispered back.

"Come on let's go back."

"Whatever you want princess."

As we went back to his car, churros forgotten on the floor, I felt like for the first time in a long time I was happy. Troye's warm hand was enclosed around mine I couldn't help but feel like a really really lucky boy.

The mood had changed and I could only hope it wouldn't go away.


"I almost forgot!"

Troye had parked his car inside the garage and was now excitedly leaving his seat. I followed suit hoping whatever he remembered was good.

His smile could light the room as he took my hand and led me into the kitchen.

I've never seen his house before.

"Wait here I'll be right back!"

Troye rushed upstairs and my vision adjusted to the scene before me. Laurelle stood cooking with covered tinfoil trays stacked beside her and as she heard Troye's voice, she turned around.


I smiled at her as we hugged and I could see the relief that was on her face that quickly turned to concern.

"How are you sweetheart?"

"I'm good Laurelle. How are you?"

She giggled like an excited schoolgirl and patted my cheeks.

"I'm lovely dear. What happened was quite a shock but we've all been recovering and I think we'll all be okay."

"I agree."

She smiled at me but seemed to remember something and looked back to the food.

"Don't tell anyone you saw me cooking."

I laughed and reassured her.

"Of course not Laurelle."

Just like that Troye burst back into the kitchen but this time he was cradeling a small bundle of fur in his arms.


Both Troye and Laurelle smiled at me and Troye approached me with the adorable kitten I had thought was gone after the incident.

"My mum and Sage have been taking care of her while you were gone so don't worry she's well fed and well rested."

He placed Josephine into my open arms and I felt guilty looking down on her.

"I've been gone for months, what's to say she won't remember me?'

"Trust me she'll remember you."

Sure enough the bundle of beauty stirred and woke from her rest, blue eyes looking into mine.


The kitten purred and snuggled further into my arms. My heart immediately felt lifted as she hadn't forgotten about who I was.

"Told you."

I looked up to Troye who was a mere few inches from me with a grin on his face. Once our eyes met I felt myself smile back at him.


Sage entered the kitchen and was beaming when she saw Troye and I so close. Laurelle didn't scold Sage but smirked from her to us and I knew they would be onto us.

Troye chuckled and I found myself laughing too.

Because I was holding Josephine, Sage gave me a side hug and left a kiss on my cheek.

"You better take care of this cutie." To whom she was wanting to direct it towards was incredibly vague.

"I will."

Sage began giggling with Laurelle before Troye ushered me out of the kitchen which might as well been full of fangirls.

"You wanna stay?"

The question was short but behind it was so much more hidden messages.

"Nah it's fine," I checked my phone to find that much of the day was gone and it was already 4:30, "its getting late, I'm sure Jenna would freak if I'm not back for dinner."

"Okay." Troye smiled at me and gently tilted my chin up, leaving a soft kiss on my lips. He followed with one on Josephine's fur and I could feel my heart swell as I watched him.

"You sure you don't need a ride?"

"I'll be fine Tro."

I shot him my own smile before leaving through the front door to my bike.

"BYE CONNOR!" the girls shouted to me.

I picked up my bike and placed Josephine gently in the basket before mounting the bike and pedaling back down June Haverly St. until I reached the main road. The main road that would take me home.

white on white [sequel] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now