"Oh stop it you!" Zoe marched her way back to the droopy body and picked up Tyler bridal style as he passed out. Woah I didn't think she would be able to carry him.

"You need help?"

She shook her head in defiance, which suited her to be honest, and continued forward as I followed beside her.

"He's such a brat I swear. And soooo lazy. Also the biggest drama queen I've EVER met."

She rolled her eyes and we laughed as if on cue. It was true.

It took another good ten minutes before we reached the clearing, now that we couldn't run, but once we did it was a sight to see.

Tyler, Zoe and I stood on a cliff overlooking all of La Crescent. It reminded me of the time I stood at the lake overlook with Troye after our first "date". But this was more than that. Around us were hundreds of trees, only this small clearing which was home to some of the softest and tallest green grass I've ever seen. There were flowers of every color and there were a few rocks that lay near the edge of the cliff but it seemed they were somehow mounted to the ground. They also seemed to be slightly shaped like benches. Looking out at the town was a beautiful sight with the buildings and all the lakes in clear view, and I hadn't seen anything like it- even in the bigger cities I had stayed in.

"It's beautiful Zoe."

Zoe smiled at me and placed Tyler down on one of the rocks for when he would hopefully wake up. She sat down on the other and I took a seat beside her.

Words weren't needed between Zoe and I. I knew we both could appreciate what was in front of us and I enjoyed myself enough to close my eyes and let the breeze hit my face.

"I just wanted to thank you."

The small voice scared me as I turned to her and saw Zoe's blue eyes already gleaming.

"For what?" I said with a small chuckle.

She laughed and moved closer, placing a hand over mine.

"For just, I don't know, being so incredible. With everything that has happened, I feel really proud of you for remaining so strong and still having so much to give. To all of us. It's admirable."

I smiled at her and hung my arm over her shoulder, letting her head fall on my chest.

"Well thank you. I don't think I gave you enough credit for being so honest and supportive of me."

Zoe looked like she was crying but I didn't see sadness and she smiled as she placed the smallest of a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm glad we're friends."


We sat like that for awhile before the sky began to change from the darkest of greys and blacks to the most faint of glorious sunrise colors.

"Tyler!", she unearthed from below my arm and hurried to wake the passed out flop on the rocks.

"Wake up bitch, it's sunrise!"

He jolted and we both looked at him to see he had drool dried all over his cheeks and his hair in a tangled mess.

"Gross Ty!"

He flipped her off and straightened his clothes out before joining us on the rock. We sat there for what seemed like only minutes as the colors brightened to become the most vivid of oranges, yellows and reds coloring the sky. It's a sight I never thought I would get- and one I didn't realize could be so beautiful. After everything I had seen, everything I had known to be true, I was once again tested yet I'm alive. I didn't think I could ever feel alive.

"You're crying Connor."

I looked over to see both Tyler and Zoe staring back.

Lifting a finger to my cheek, I was in a state of shock when I realized they were right. I had never cried before.


Zoe embraced me in a hug followed by Tyler who snuck around to my other side.

"I love you guys."

Both were quick to hug me tighter.

"We love you too Connie."

It was on this note that all three of us left the overlook, the sun being nearly full in the morning sky and the clocks upon our phones reading 7:02.

We rambled about pointless high school things I had missed, from the oh so public make out between Blessing and a chocolate cake to the disband of Andrea and her minions. It was relieving to talk about something so...normal.

I waved goodbye to my friends as they dropped me off at mi casa where I could already smell the breakfast food inside.

Once I entered the front door, I expected Jenna to be angry or at least curious as to where I was but she gave me a smirk which was quickly overcome with relief.

"So, waffles of Texas or pancakes of Japan?"

She was worldly alright.

"Why not both?"

We smiled at each other and she dropped both onto my plate. While drizzling the food with syrup, she smirked again so I decided I couldn't let this get by.

"What's got you smirking like that Jenna?"

"Oh just a little surprise that awaits you, my dear."

I narrowed my eyes at her but she showed no signs of telling.

A surprise you say? If she wouldn't tell me I guess I would just have to find out.

white on white [sequel] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now