"Yes Alpha, I've always been yours." I was shocked at the words I heard until I realised that they weren't actually mine. It was Finn who spoke the words humorously and I couldn't help the cry of laughter that cackled from my mouth when I felt Chase stiffen.

"Not you you buffoon!" Chase groaned before marching forward, "I can't believe I have an idiot like you for a beta."

Chase marched past Finn which let me get a look at him. He was tall and strongly built with brown hair that mopped across his blue eyes. He was attractive but he had nothing on Chase. Was I really thinking about Chases attractiveness?

Finn jogged to catch up with Chase's long strides, stopping just in front of me so that he could introduce himself. His large hand came into my field of view so I reached my hand out to shake his.

"I'm Finn," he grinned at me, "it's finally nice to meet the woman that is going to put this big gofer in his place."

"I'm Hayley," I matched his grin with one of my own, "but unfortunately I'm not going to be staying here long enough to put this gofer in his place."

Finns grin dropped before he replaced it with a look of mischief, "You are his mate right? Cause if you're not in gonna take you as my own!"

"Lay one hand on her Finn and I swear I will tear you limb from limb," The snarl that ripped from Chase chilled me to the bone.

However, a jolt of joy emitted through me at the idea of my mate being so strong and powerful.

"Finn you should leave, from the few hours I've known him I can tell he's a sensitive one." I lifted my head to look at Finn and smiled softly.

It didn't take long for Finn to run back in the direction he came from which left me in the uncomfortable silence of hearing Chases angry, ragged breaths. What surprised me most was how Chase then placed me on the floor.

My legs wobbled at the feeling of ground underneath me and I couldn't help but feel an urge to run.

I looked at Chase and then back at the forest.

I could run, I could sprint as fast as I could back to my own pack. Or I could run somewhere Chase wouldn't expect. The airport would be a good option so I could catch a flight out of here and hope that he doesn't follow me or know where I went.

However, running wasn't an option right now. The sky didn't have a cloud in sight so my scent couldn't be covered up by the rain and Chase was less than a metre away from me, he could easily grab me.

I just had to time my escape perfectly and like the grey wolf I am I would slip out of their sight and grip like smoke. No one can catch smoke with their bare hands, therefore no one could catch me.

"Hayley!" Chase growled as he grabbed my arm possessively, "Don't even think about it. I was already feeling possessive of you but now I'm going crazy."

"What did you think I was gonna do? Run?" I asked innocently.

Chase snapped his gaze to me, eyes blazing as he took a threatening step towards me.

"If you run Hayley I'll just hunt you down. I'll chase you to the ends of the earth if it means I get to have you by my side. Hell, I'll tie you to me so you can never leave my side. I will never let you go," Chase stepped closer to me again, a dangerous glint in his eyes, almost like he was daring me to run.

"You think I'm stupid enough to run? I'm the daughter of a great alpha, I know my strategies and to run now would be stupid. I'll do it when you least expect it, that way it'll be harder to catch me." I took a step closer to him, my eyes gleaming with my own challenge.

"Run. I dare you."

Chase was now so close to me that our chests were pressed together. It was distracting but I pushed that aside.

"All in good time mate," I smirked as I smacked the side of his nose before marching off in the direction that Finn went.

"Hayley!" Chase roared before grabbing my arm and leading me towards a large house.

I stole a glance at Chases profile. He had an extremely stern look on his face, his grip on my arm not loosening. When I tried to wriggle free his grip got tighter.

"Don't," he growled lowly. He really wasn't joking when he said he was possessive.

Well...this was going to be interesting. 

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