Chapter Thirteen: Scavengers And Survivors

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He spun around, dizzy from the blow.

I smirked.

That leaves ten players left in The Survivors team.

Yep. Tyler said.

I jumped onto a tree top and watched from above. Aidan noticed me there and got his opponent out. He jumped up to me.

"What's up?" 

"Nothing. Just got cut on my side. Again. On my scar for about the fifth time." I replied grimly.

"Oh. Well, get bandaged up and help us once you're done." Aidan dropped down and began to fight again.

"I sighed then quickly took out a roll of cloth bandage and used it on my cut.

I'll clean it later when we stop for food.

I put my backpack back on and jumped down myself. 

I clapped my hands together and slammed the ground. A large, blue transmutation circle* appeared and pillars of earth shot from the ground, hitting someone on the opposite team in the face.

"Ow." I muttered.

Then I got hit by a blast of light in the back. My back was scorched and my black t-shirt was ripped.

I turned around.

"Ice-Make Ice Lance*." I murmured. 

Lances made of pure ice appeared and struck my opponent.

"AH!!!" he shouted before disappearing.

I turned around and saw my entire team had finished off the rest. A badge appeared in my hands.

"We won! We now have two crests of the Blue Moon team and The Survivors team." I said.

We all cheered then set up for a picnic. We need to eat and recover. Of course, we take it in turns of guarding and eating.

"Alecxis, can I talk to you for a second?" Jack asked.

"Eh, sure." I followed Jack somewhere not too far from the camp.


It was night again. So far, we'd taken out twelve different teams and earned a total of twenty three crests. The reason was, each time a team falls, their crests are taken. If the winning team gets taken out later on, the team that is still standing gets the two badges of the two teams. {I hope this makes sense.}

I wonder how the others are getting on. We've only lost five members but we were still sad about it.

I was still awake, as usual, and I had decided to be a night guard. I was pacing up and down, going through strategies and tactics for tomorrow.

"What's wrong?" a voice asked. I jumped.

"What the?! Max!" I yelled angrily. "on't sneak up on me like that. Especially when I'm on guard duty."

"Sorry, you just seem... Distant." 

"Wow. Thanks." I said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean. We need to get moving." 


"One of the guards said they saw two groups teaming up. The two teams still have all twenty players. Also, someone did some research about this place, and apparently this area will be crawling with Fire Snakes. And we all know that Fire Snake bite HURT." Max explained.

"Oh. Alright. Is everyone packed?"

"Nearly. You'd better pack up too."

With that, we both went back to the main camp.

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