Chapter 1

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Kyoki POV

"Alright class because of Naruto, you all have to review the Transformation Jutsu!!!!" A shout echoed threw the classroom, followed by many students groaning. I raised my head slightly to glance at my intellectual 'equals'. Yeah as if, this class has blond doofus in it.

The students started to line up and I got in my place in line. I was always last because I don't have a last name, that I will use. I messed with my hood and made sure my face wasn't visible while I waited. Finally, it got to the blond ignoramus in front of me.

"Transform!" the blond shouted, only to turn into a naked girl with only clouds covering everything. Yep, logic exists in this world, surprisingly. Iruka had a nosebleed and whether they admit it or not most of the numskulls had bright red faces. Then, there was me, who was not amused in the slightest.

"Haha, I got you with my Sexy Jutsu, Iruka-Sensei!"

"Naruto, you idiot perform the jutsu correctly!!" Can I just go home? I mean this is a waste of time anyway. Blond boy is just going to fail, again.

"Hey, you jerk!!! I could kick your ass!!!" the blond shouted as he turned to face me. Huh, looks like I accidentally said that aloud.

"Right, and Pinkie the Pinhead isn't useless," I said in a monotone voice as always.

"How can anyone even trust you?!?!?!? All you do is hide under that stupid hood!!!" Sakura cut in.

"Birdbrain, I was having a conversation with dimwit over here. It's rude to enter a conversation without permission," I said.

"You're so annoying!!!" Naruto and Sakura shouted in unison.

"I prefer more intelligent than you."

I sighed internally, if only that entire conversation hadn't been in my head.

"Kyoki, your turn," Iruka said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I sighed and performed the hand signs. Transform, I thought as I turned into Iruka.

"Good job, Kyoki," Iruka said as I released the jutsu. I was the first one back to my seat, but that's to be expected. I laid my head on my desk and tuned out for the rest of class.

Time Skip

Something was coiled around my throat. I opened my eyes as it tightened around my throat. "Naki, what are you doing?" I mumbled as I sat up. Nakimasu, or Naki for short, an Ophidian, was coiled around my throat.

Nakimasu's yellow eyes stared at me. Ever had a reptile give you a dirty look? It's not really fun. "Alright, I'll get you some food just stop it with that look," I growled as I slipped out of bed. 

I walked into the kitchen of my small house and started looking for Nakimasu's food. I noticed Nakimasu had loosened his coil on my throat when I pulled a small mouse out of a cage. The mouse squirmed in my hand and I sighed. I'm not getting bitten by Nakimasu . . . again.

Nakimasu's fangs slowly became visible and I dropped the mouse, on purpose. What? I like getting to watch Nakimasu go nuts. Said snake hissed before he suddenly sprung at the defenseless mouse.

After, Nakimasu ate I made some toast. "Hey, Naki, remind me to get some more mice later," I said to the snake that was curled up on the table.

He raised his head at me and gave me a look. "You don't need me to remind you, you'll remember on your own," Naki hissed. Naki is like most snakes, he can't talk, I can just understand him.

"You may have a point, but that was your last mouse," I said and his eyes widened slightly.

"Get mice on your way home later. If you don't, don't come home."

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