Chapter 27 ~ Gray

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Carrie's POV

Gray drove all of us to the warehouse so we could help Harry. I sat on the couch as I watched Gray bandage Harry's stomach. He hasn't even looked or talked to Gray ever since we got back. His green eyes were intensely staring me down. I'd try to not look directly into his eyes by only paying attention to him getting bandaged.

"Okay, so is anyone going to explain what happened?" Gemma suddenly asked.

Gray sighed and turned around to face her. "While you were taken by Styles, you all got knocked out by sleeping gas. Carrie and Harry came to find you and Harry got shot, then I came in."

Everyone nodded in understanding. I looked back at Harry to see him looking at the ground with his jaw clenched. What's he mad about?

Gray then turned back to Harry. "Just can't stop getting in trouble can't you, Harry?"

"What are you doing here?" Harry growled as he began to put his shirt back on.

"Well, I thought I'd visit. Until I saw you almost bleed to death. And last time I checked, I own this warehouse." Gray responded with a cocky tone.

I just don't get why Harry is so mad at Gray. I mean he is his boss after all.

"Well, I guess I'll be going then. Harry, just take better care of yourself alright?" Gray said as he got up and left.

Guilt was eating me alive, so I quickly ran outside to stop him. Luckily, he wasn't in his car yet.

"Um... you don't have to go. Don't mind Harry, he just always acts like he's mad at the world." I told him.

Gray chuckled. "Yeah, he's always been like that. I've known the boy for a long time."

"What was he like?" I asked getting interested in the conversation.

"Well, I actually met him when I bailed him out of jail."

"Why'd you bail him out?" I asked curiously.

"Because I was like you. I wanted to help him." He responded looking at me with a warm smile.

"How'd you know him?"

Gray took a breath as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "I knew his father. We were friends once, but jealousy took over him and we became rivals."

"So wait, if you've always hated his father then why did you want to help him?" I questioned him.

"I didn't want him to be like his father. I wanted him to be better than his father. So, I bailed him out and I asked him if he would like to work for me. He eventually accepted my offer and he's been working for me ever since." Gray explained.

"I was just confused about why he was so mad at you. I mean you helped him stop from bleeding to death, yet he's still pissed." I told him with a shrug.

Gray nodded, knowing what I was talking about. "Let's just say I made him do something and he took it the wrong way and he's pretty much been mad at me all this time."

"Well, thanks for talking with me. There was just some things I wanted to know because Harry probably wouldn't have told me anything." I said with a smile.

"What's your name?" He asked.


He paused for a second. I saw something flash in his eyes, possibly sadness. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

He then smiled back at me before he walked to his car, got in it, and drove off. Suddenly, Gray's words repeated in my mind over and over again. I feel like I've heard someone tell me that before.

I then turned around to go back inside when I saw Harry standing in front of the entrance. I just smiled at him, ignoring that fact he's giving me a stern look as I walk up to him.

"What did you talk about with him?" He asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Nothing much. How are you feeling?" I said automatically changing the subject.

Harry just glared at me. "Carrie."

I then finally gave in. "How much did you hear?"

He paused before answering while his jaw was clenched. "Half."

"Good, then your question has been answered."

As I tried to walk inside the warehouse, Harry stopped me by grabbing my arm rather roughly. He then loosened his grip a little once he saw me flinch. He pulled me closer to him with our faces inches apart.

"I'm being serious, Carrie." He said in a hushed tone.

I then just sighed. "I was curious about how you two knew each other, so he explained it to me. You wouldn't have told me anything anyways."

"Why do you want to know all these things?" He asked as he released my arm.

"Because I don't want there to be any secrets between us, Harry. There's nothing for me to tell, but you have something to hide."

Harry started to get angry. I honestly didn't let him get to me anymore, this shit is getting old. We've known each other too long to keep hiding secrets from each other, though we never actually made it official that we were friends or anything.

"Fine. Fine, you want to find out the truth? Then you'll get the truth!" He stated angrily.

He then opened the door and yelled, "Come on guys! We're going to go visit our pal, Gray, because everybody loves Gray!"

Harry stomped towards his car, waiting for the rest to come outside. They were all confused and looked at me. I just shrugged and we all walked to the car.

~ It's been a really crappy couple of days, so I haven't updated. A lot of stuff happened in Orlando this past weekend, so we need to all pray for the victims and their families. I hope y'all have a great day and please, stay safe and be kind :) ~

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