Chapter 10 ~ The Boys

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Carrie's POV

We finally arrived at some sort of warehouse. Harry and Louis were talking to each other as Gemma pulled me back.

"Be prepared, you're about to meet the other three weirdos." I laughed at her as we followed Louis and Harry into the warehouse.

The inside of it looked like a secret hideout that you'd see in spy movies. Long table with a bunch of chairs, technology, and weaponry.

"Look who I found, guys!" Louis exclaimed. The three guys were all surprised to see it was Harry.

"How've you been, buddy?" One of them asked Harry.

"You know living alone, staying out of trouble."

"Lies." Gemma stated making all of them laugh.

Louis' eyes then met mine. "Harry, did you know there was a girl standing beside Gemma?" He whispered.

Harry chuckled. "Guys, this is Carrie. She's my neighbor back in California."

All of them smiled at me.

"This is Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Louis." Harry told me pointing them out.

"So, you're Harry's neighbor?" Liam questioned me. I nodded.

"You poor thing, has he done anything bad to you?" Louis asked me teasingly.

"Well... he shot a bullet through my wall." I said nervously rubbing my arm.

The boys all looked at each other and started laughing, except for Harry who shot a glare at them.

"So, why are you back here?" Zayn asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Harry looked back at me before he spoke. "Well, Carrie found out about me and wanted to help me, so she suggested going to Gemma, which is how the hospital situation happened. But we've got a bigger problem, my father found out I'm alive and reported me to the police which leads us to right now."

"Well shit Harry, you just can't stop getting in trouble." Niall commented.

"I'm trying guys, you know I can't help it." Harry said running a hand through his hair.

"Well you could be helped!" Gemma snapped.

Gemma and Harry then started yelling at each other as the rest of us watched. Siblings.

"Hey um Carrie, how did you find out about Harry?" I heard Louis ask me making me turn towards him.

"When I moved in I swear I've seen his face before and I found him in the newspaper with what happened two years ago."

"So, you just told him you'd help him?" Louis asked.

"No, I actually tried killing him at first because I thought he murdered my parents."

Louis' eyes widened. "You tried killing him?" I nodded slowly.

"I'm surprised he didn't try to kill you back." He added as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"It's weird because after all he did he couldn't kill me."

I then saw Louis smirk. "I think he likes you."

I snapped my head towards him. "N-no of course not!"

"It's his hair isn't it? Damn him and his nice face." Louis huffed.

"Louis, I feel like both you and Harry need help." I chuckled at him shaking my head.

Harry and Gemma were still fighting and Louis couldn't take it anymore. "Okay! Since Harry can't stop getting himself in trouble, he's going to have to be hidden. Carrie is going to have to go with him too."

"What?!" Harry and I yelled at the same time.

"You got yourself into this mess so this is your fault Harry Edward Styles!" Louis yelled back.

"Louis, you're acting like a dad." Liam said.

"You're one to talk." Niall mumbled loud enough that Liam glared at him.

"So it's settled, Harry and Carrie will be stuck together whether they like it or not." Gemma stated with a smirk.

Harry and I both groaned. What did I get myself into?

~Short, sorry but I needed to update. My 'friends' kept on telling me WHY YOU NO UPDATE?!? So there you go! :)
P.S does Meredith sound like a dog's name? Please let me know lol~

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