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"Shit" I said as I cleaned up the spilled juice that I accidentally kicked as I paced back and forth "where the hell are they, its getting late"

I dialed Jacobs number again only to be met with his voicemail for the tenth time

"Jacob I know you see me trying to call you bring my baby home now before I call your parole officer, I told you to have her back by nine thirty its about to be twelve in the morning getcho black ass here right now or pick up this damn phone cause i know you got my other messages bitch ass nigg-"

I hear the front door close then footsteps

"what" I hang up my phone throwing it on the couch and look up to see Jacob trifling ass

"where is my baby"

I yell pushing past him "shh yelling and shit she's upstairs already probably sleep by now, she was tired"

"Well maybe if you had her here when I told you too and why didn't you answer yo damn phone you got me fucked up keep playing and imma call up Roger and--"

Jacob takes two strides and is in front of me I know I hit a nerve but I don't care

"my parole officer ain't got shit to do with this so shut up, she's my daughter too so if I wanna have her out until one thirty or four I will and you cant do shit but sit here and wait till she gets back"

I take a step back folding my arms glaring at him "get the fuck out my house" "shut up if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have a house or that lil nursing degree you don't think I know you stole my money huh you think I'm stupid I had eyes watching yo lil ass the whole time without me you'd still be living with your drugged up mom in that dingy apartment"

I put my head down fighting back the tears he knows my mom is a sensitive subject for me and that's why he said it, I wipe away a fallen tear,

"if it wasn't for baby girl, you would be six feet under but I'm trying to have mercy on yo fraud ass but you keep on pushing me you not gone live to see the age of forty" after that he turned and left slamming the door.

I went in my room in layed down after checking on Alaina, as I put my head on my pillow I felt something under it lifting up I found my little brown box opening it the first thing I see is a picture of me and Jacob when we were younger; I hadn't seen this box in forever I must've mistakenly put it there when I was cleaning "so many memories" I sighed

"where did we go wrong" I thought the things I had done I was young and dumb didn't know what love was "where did I go wrong" I leaned back against my headboard thinking back to the day when I messed up me and Jacobs relationship forever.

It was the summer time and I was at Jacobs little cook out slash family reunion, I met a lot of his family members and I was happy because I wanted to marry Jacob one day and I wanted his family to like me, me and him had been dating for three years now and I was in love

"aye why you sitting over here by yo self lil mama" I looked up from my spot under the tree to see Jacobs oldest cousin Tony "Jacobs over there playing basketball" I said

"I ain't ask about Jacob, I asked about you ma" he said taking a seat beside me; it made me feel uncomfortable sitting with him without Jacob, I guess he noticed my discomfort because he slid away a little "you want some" he said holding a plate of food out to me "no thanks I'm stuffed" "yeah auntie know how to throw down in the kitchen"

I nodded my head and looked in a different direction "aye you'll help me go get some stuff from Ronnie's house" I frowned "what" "my cuz Ron giving me stuff cause I helped him with something but I gotta go before he leave cause he going to Florida"

"why don't you just ask one of the guys to do it" he blew out a breath like I had asked the dumbest question ever

"cause they ain't gon do it plus I wanna get to know you if you gon be part of this family, but you know what never mind, ill just tell Jay I tried to be friendly"

he said getting up and turning to leave "wait a sec Ill help you, but I don't want Jacob to get the wrong idea"

Tony rolled his eyes "just tell him you don't feel well and I'm taking you home damn" and that's what my dumbass did.

In the car ride there it was quiet, when we arrived and went in after Tony unlocked the door which I thought was weird "aye come on" he said going up the stairs I followed behind him

"where's your friend" "he must've left or something" I scrunched up my face confused

"but I thought you said he--" he cut my off kissing me I pushed him off "what are you doing"

"nisha stop playing you know what happened last month" I put my hand on my forehead

"it was a kiss I didn't mean to" me and jay were on bad terms and Tony was there for me and one thing lead to another and I kissed him only cause I was hurt

"I know you felt it me and you have a connection nisha, he doesn't deserve you" "and you do" I said sitting on the bed folding my arms "lemme show you" he said kissing me again.

Me and Tony that was supposed to be a one night thing, but it ended up lasting for a year I fell in love with Tony and I was falling out of love with Jacob.

When I got pregnant I wasn't sure whose baby it was and there was a big chance the baby was Tony's; when Tony found out I was pregnant he just knew the baby was his but we both knew if Jacob found out we would both be dead, so he came up with the plan to get Jacob arrested, but before I went to the police I got a DNA test, I got a piece of Jacobs hair from his brush.

When Jacob got arrested me and Tony emptied out his bank account and took all the money from his safe and moved to North Carolina, Tony knew a couple people there who could hide us for a while. Two weeks after everything had happened, we got the DNA test results, Tony was at work when the results came, but I decided to wait until he got home so we could read them together; "nisha I'm home" I walked down the stairs just putting Alaina in bed "hey baby, how was work" "okay the shop didn't having many cars come in today, how was your day" "it was good, come on lets sit down" I pick up the letter and hand it to him, taking a seat on the sofa "what's this ma" "read it" he takes a seat beside me reading the envelope "DNA results" he looks at me smiling big "I already know she's mine so these don't matter to me" he rips the letter open and starts reading his big smile turns into a big scowl "what" I say snatching the paper from his hand "he's the father" I put my hand over my mouth

"oh my God , Tony I--" he looks at me and stands up "you good ma its not your fault, everything gone be fine he says sincerely hugging me.

But everything wasn't fine it was the opposite as time went by Tony became more and more distant, he started drinking a lot and at anytime which made him lose his job; he started staying out and coming home late or even the coming home the next day; when ever I asked him about it he would get mad and storm out the house and be gone for a day or two.

After five months I decided that I needed to just be alone with my daughter, so I packed up all my things, left Tony a note saying that I was going back home to Cali, but all I did was move across town because I couldn't afford going back home.

I had enough money to get me in school and start a better life for me and Alaina, and it was all going well until Jacob came back; why didn't Roger tell me he was out I could've moved me and Alaina to another state, what kind of parole officer is he, ill just have to go by his house this week.

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