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When Cam dropped me off at home I rushed up stairs so I could shower up and put some decent clothes on.

I decided to wear floral dress with some white flats; I brushed my hair up into a bun and put on diamond stud earrings.

As I walked past my body length mirror I stopped and looked at myself and I liked what I saw not love yet but Ill get there, the floral pink complimented my dark skin making my melanin pop.

"Alaina, your fathers here, come on girl" I hear my mom yell, I roll my eyes at the sound of her voice and grab my white handbag and my phone; I take one last look at myself and smile.

When I come down the stairs I can hear my parents speaking in hushed voices, when I get to the last step its quiet as I walk into the living room I see my mom glare at dad before looking at me

"you look pretty" I nod my head at her, before she can yell at me for being disrespectful I start walking towards the door

"no she looks beautiful, like the princess she is" I smile at his words " thanks dad" my mom looks at me hurt and anger covered her face well now she knows how it feels.

As we get in his car I admire the white leather "this must've cost a ton" I say rubbing the armrest

"yeah it cost a lil sum, but I got it" "so where are we going" I say leaning back

"your favorite place" he says smiling at me I squeal "yay i haven't been to Te Amour  in forever because mom doesn't like their salads, but who goes there for--" I stop talking when I look over at my dad furrowing his eyebrows

"what" I say "is there something wrong"

he sighs "no baby girl, its just that your favorite place used to be Chuck E Cheese, what kind of father doesn't know his child's favorite place"

I lean back in my seat "a father who hasn't seen his child in many years, its not your fault dad don't be so hard on yourself" I say patting his head, making both of us laugh.

When we got to Te Amour we got seated and a bubbly blonde came and took our order "ill have a steak and mashed potatoes and baby girl will have--" he stopped unsure of what I wanted

"chicken Alfredo" I finished for him "with a lemonade please"

"okay we'll have that right out and a drink for you sir"

"a Pepsi thanks" my dad got quiet when she left and I knew from his hard expression he was thinking about how we knew nothing about each other

"Dad cheer up you have the rest of our life's to learn about me or at least until I get married" I laughed when his smile turned into a frown "and plus we're having this lunch so you can find out this stuff about me, like I hate onions and tomatoes"

I say scrunching up my nose "those thangs nasty" he laughs "you've always hated onions and tomatoes, I remember this one time I tried to feed you a tomatoe and when I put it in your mouth yo face scrunched up like you ate something sour then you spit it out right in yo mamas face"

"I remember that because she whooped my butt" I say grimacing at the memory

"yeah she did I tried to save you, but you had got tomato and spit all in her hair and she had just got it done; I was glad you did that though cause it made her have to get a new style" 

I joined in with him laughing. It got quiet for a moment, both of us in our own thoughts not knowing what to say until the waiter came and gave us our food and drinks,

"so hows school; you're a junior now right" he asks looking up at me then back down to his steak

"yes sir, and its going pretty good I guess, I'm just ready for summer" he nods his head "you ain't gotta call me sir I ain't that old yet"

"well.." I say "what you mean well gurl I'm still in my prime I'm only thirty eight"

I smile then think for a second "wait so moms older than you by a year"

"yeah your mom is kind of a cougar"

"mhm I see she sure was rocking the cradle dating you huh" I said leaning back and rubbing my chin like I had a beard, its a habit I do when I'm thinking; dad looked at me shaking his head

"you are something else" I laughed at his impression of Kevin Hart "hmm wonder who I got it from"

"mhm me too prolly yo crazy mother" I rolled my eyes

"ugh I don't  wanna talk about her" my dad reached across the table and flicked me on my forehead "ow why did you--"

"hush she may be crazy but she's still your mom and the only one you gon ever have in this life, respect her"

"you don't even respect her" I mumbled folding my arms and slouching in my seat no longer hungry

"and what makes you think I don't respect her"

"you was gone hit her yesterday, or did you forget"

"no I wasn't, I don't hit women not even when they really need to get slapped, now eat I ain't bought you here to talk about your mom"

I nodded my head still a little upset "aye I love you baby girl" he said pinching my cheek "ouch" I picked up my fork and finished eating "I love you too dad".

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