Jacobs Pov

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"Imma be over here everyday so get used to seeing my face bitch"

I say harshly as I walk out Tanisha's house yeah that was rude but she put me through a lot of bullshit lemme start from the beginning

I meet Tanisha in high school she was a cute thick lil brown skin girl and was my first love, back then I wanted a relationship I mean I wasn't no sap or nun like that but I wanted some I can call mine; a ride or die type shit.

Back then I used to sell drugs to keep my mama lights on, she raised me and my two cousins Tony and Tyler they like my brothers at least one is.

But back to the story me and Tanisha dated for four years and she knew what I did for a living, she didn't like it but it was what ever, when we found out she was pregnant we were seniors in high school.

I was happy, but she wasn't she felt we was too young for a kid I did too but so what.

When Alaina was born I was even more happy she was and still is my heart till one fucked up day shit changed.

I was at my crib counting up money and putting it in a black duffel bag, when the cops bust in a nigga house "freeze put your hands up" yelling and shit I let out a breath and did what they told me ion know what I'm going in for I thought to myself as we rode to the station.

When I got to the interrogation room they was talking about how they got a witness and evidence that I been trafficking and selling drugs I sucked my teeth like wtf i ain't worried about shit was all I said then I stopped talking waiting for my lawyer.

I talked to Tanisha about everything whenever I was able to call but she was always out of it like some up with her but I brushed off thinking maybe she was scared.

On the day of my trial I looked through the audience for Tanisha but I ain't seen her I seen Tony holding three year old Alaina and next to them was Tyler and my mom.

As the trial went on and on I mean I've been through this before but this time they got a bunch of evidence so i was getting kind of paranoid close to the end I knew i was done for so i put my head down as I did that i heard them call up the witness when i looked up i seen Tanisha

"what the fuck" i yelled standing up only to be pulled back down by the officer next to me anger, hurt and more anger was how i felt as i watched the mother of my only child and love of my life snitch on me in court.

When the judge said I had ten years i nearly died right then in there as Tanisha walked off stand I lunged at her making her jump "

how you gon do this shit to me after all i did for you" i glared at her as she walked to Tony,

Tyler had to hold my crying mom back from beating her ass I watched as Tony kissed her on the lips and walked out the building.

I did my time and learned my lesson but I still had money lots left over so I invested in a couples of clubs two of them strip clubs in Atlanta and Las Vegas.

When I was in prison the only thing that kept me sane was the pictures Tyler would get of my daughter before the trifling bitch took her and moved from Cali to North Carolina, but all that don't matter cause a nigga here to stay.

I was gone make sure my daughter had any and everything she wanted and needed, I just hope she not into boys too much cause I have no probably shooting a lil nappy headed boy.

As I pulled up to my house I smiled as I thought about Alaina, my baby girl I just hope she not like her trifling mom.

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