“Look down,” Mia said.

Ellie did, and realized. Mia was pressing herself against the top Ellie’s leg, against the front of her thigh. Kind of against it, kind of so Ellie’s leg was between each of hers. Ellie looked, and took a moment to understand, but then she did. Mia had been pushing Ellie against herself, at the same time she was touching Ellie.

Ellie hadn’t even noticed it happening, hadn’t even felt it, with everything else that was going on.

Ellie was so surprised she almost forgot how turned on she was. She was suddenly curious, interested in this just for knowing, apart from everything they were doing together.

Mia was looking after herself, with just Ellie’s leg, and Ellie had never realized you could.

She sort of got it, when she thought. Pressure was pressure, and a leg was as good as anything else. And more than that, a leg was kind of sexy. It was a sexy part of someone, to push yourself against. She thought about doing it herself, doing it to Mia, of Mia’s leg, smooth and silky and slippery warm against her, and that was a really hot idea. But even so, it didn’t seem like much stimulation. Not like a mouth, or a hand.

She looked for a moment, still curious, feeling as though whole worlds she’d never known were opening up.

Worlds she was curious about. Very curious.

She knew she shouldn’t stop to ask, not in the middle of sex. Especially in the middle of frantic outdoor sex in a public place with her very complicated fling. But she was curious. And she really wanted to know.

She hesitated. Mia was still looking at her. Waiting, Ellie thought. Expecting Ellie to ask.

“Does that really work?” Ellie said. “Sorry, I just…”

“Pretty much.”

“Oh,” Ellie said. And kept standing there, looking downwards.

Mia started to smile. Ellie noticed it out the corner of her eye. She looked up, looked at Mia, and Mia kept staring and smiling. Her face was still almost touching Ellie’s, only inches away. Ellie almost started kissing her again, and forgot about legs and hands and whatever Mia knew how to do.

Ellie almost did. She swayed forward a little while she was thinking about kissing. Then she made herself stop.

“It really works,” Mia said. “It’s good. Don’t worry about me.”

“No,” Ellie said, still thinking. Remembering why she’d stopped in the first place. “It’s not just that. It’s that you do me, and I never do you. That isn’t right.”

“It’s really fine.”

“It really isn’t. I want to do you back. I want to help you out too.”

“Help me out?” Mia said.

“Yeah,” Ellie said. “Help you out. Is that an okay?”

Mia shrugged, and grinned. Mia was still waiting, still listening, apparently willing to talk. Surprisingly patiently for someone who’d been stopped in the middle of sex. Someone who still had her hand inside Ellie’s jeans.

Inside Ellie.

Ellie liked Mia for that. For letting Ellie think all this through. It made her more determined to sort this out before they did any more.

“I want to be fair,” Ellie said. “I really do. I just don’t know how.”

“Um,” Mia said. “Not being rude, but it’s kind of obvious. Just…”

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