"Yeah, I'm fine. Can't be bothered with today" he says

Once we get into the school foyer I spot Liam and Niall stood talking to each other having a laugh. Harry stops waking "I'm just going to the little boys room for a little tinkle" he says kissing my cheek before walking in the opposite direction. I walk up to Liam and Niall

"Hi" I smile

"Hi Lou!" Niall exclaims embracing me in a hug. I pull away from him and smile

"How was yours and Harry's study time last night Liam?" I ask him causing him to raise his eyebrows in confusion

"Yeah. We got alot done actually" he says smiling. He looked confused though...

"What did you study?" I ask him

"Just Science, hate that shit" Liam laughs "but Harry helped me alot actually"

"I bet" I say monotonically "he said that he went home straight after as he was tired" I lie to see if Liam corrects me or not

"He did? Don't see how he got tired though" Liam laughs

"Hmmm I have no idea" I say walking away. He fucking lied to me! Harry lied! Where the hell was he last night then?

I storm off towards the boys toilets but am met by Harry on the way there. I push him up against the wall "you lied to me!" I shout at him "You fucking lied!"

"What do you mean lied?" Harry squeals

"Louis!" Liam shouts at me "let him go!"

"No, he lied to me Liam! Do you know how much it hurts to be lied to?" I shout back at him

"I'm sure it wasn't intentional. Come and talk to him in private. Everybody is watching Louis" Niall tells at me

I let Harry go making him stumble upon the ground. His eyes are pricked with tears and are all red from crying. Liam comes and pulls me into a class room "What the hell was all that about?" He snaps at me

"He lied to me" I tell him "I thought I could trust him but he lied to me"

"Lied about what?" Liam asks in confusion

"He said he stayed over at yours but you said that he went home" I tell him calming myself down "where the hell was he Liam?"

"I'll go and get him, okay?" Liam asks and I nod hesitantly. Liam walks out of the room and not even a minute later he returns with Harry. Harry's top is soaked, his face red from crying and hair a mess. Liam pulls a chair out for Harry to sit on "I'll leave you two to it" he says "me and Niall will be outside if you need us" he walks out of the room

It's silent, nothing but Harry's sobs filling the room. "I'm so-o-rry" Harry stutters "I should have been honest with y-you"

I look at him, he's looking at me his eyes full of sorrow and regret

"Why?" I ask him " Why did you lie?"

"I wasn't sure of how you would have reacted if I had told you the truth" he says looking down at his legs "my ex was messaging me and we met up to have a catch up" Harry says

"Your ex?" I ask him and he nods "You didn't tell me because it was your ex? You still like him don't you"

"No, I don't. I just wanted to meet him to see if we could be friends, that's all" Harry tells me

"How many people do you know that are friends with their ex's?" I ask him

"Not many" he mutters

"So that was all a lye, did you even tell him about me?" I ask him causing him to gulp shaking his head "I think it's best that we have a break so that you can find out what you really want Harry" I say tears starting to run down my cheek

"But I want you Louis!" Harry yells crying trying to grab hold of me "I want you" he says holding on to my arm. I try to walk to the door but have Harry clinging on to me like a 3 year old. Liam opens the door and looks at the both of us, both tear stained cheeks.

"What the hell have you done?" Liam questions pulling Harry off of me

"H-he ended i-it" Harry sobs into Liams t-shirt

"I haven't. I've said that w-we need some sp-ace" I say trying to hold back my sobs

"Space is j-ust a w-word made u-up for some - one wh-who's affraid to get cl-close" Harry quotes Nick Jonas muffling through his cries

"I'm sor-ry but it's for th-he be-st" I stutter kissing the back of his head then running off. I've no idea where I'm running to but I'm running.

"Louis!" I hear Niall shouting after me not too far behind me "Louis! Stops!" He shouts. I stop and turn around to see him running straight for me "Why did you break up with him?" He says stopping right in front of me

"He met his ex behind my back, he says he hasn't got feelings for him but it's clear that he has" I tell Niall "I thought it was best to give him time to find out what he truly wants"

"Ah man, I'm sorry about that. I'm sure that you two will sort it out your perfect for each other after everything that you have been through" Niall trys to comfort me

"Yeah. I didn't want to hurt him, it's for the best isn't it?" I ask Niall and he smiles

"I guess it'll give you both time to think. If the time is right I'm sure you'll be back together before the end of the month. I just don't want either of you to get hurt. Your my best mate Louis. You've always been there for me, I'm just trying to be here for you" Niall explains

"And I'm greatful for it" I pull him in for a hug "fancy coming over tonight, maybe invite Shannon and her cousin?"

"Wouldn't be a bad idea mate" Niall chuckles pulling away from me smiling.

This Is Over (Larry Stylinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now