"Relax, Felix. You're my friend now, you won't hurt me." I looked up into his eyes, which were wide.

"No it's not that... it's..nothing." He was on the brim of telling me something, but he just wouldn't. And without my visions, it annoyed the shit out of me. Felix decided to quickly change the subject, looking at my head in his lap awkwardly. "Why are you brother and sister always talking about sex?"  He said angrily, winching as yet another very inappropriate line left Emmett's mouth (It sounded something like: And when we're home I'll ***** that little **** out of your ****ing body and make you scream like you did the day you were raped). I'm positively sure Rose slapped him for saying that. 

"I'm not sure." I laughed. Then my head turned to the direction of the road as I heard the familiar mumble of voices mingled together. The crowd and their active babbling that could only mean one thing..

"THE MALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  I screamed, jumping out of Felix' lap and out of the car with a sudden rush of energy. I was stopped when I bumped into a very muscular-looking Carlisle, who was pointing at the wheelchair with a stern look in his eyes. "But Carlisleeeeh, I haven't been here in months, I need to catch up!" I wailed, clutching at his arm dramaticly. His finger was still pointing at the monstrous thing and his expression hadn't changed. "Fine." I crossed my arms and allowed to drop myself into the... the thing.

Felix, Emmett and Rose were snickering behind me, Esme shaking her head. We went shopping for like 4 hours, and Felix allowed me to use him and his beautiful body as Kenn-doll. After the (for me) tyring trip we went to sit and relax and watch people in a cafetaria.

"Hey Carlisle?" I looked at my dad as he was drinking a milkshake agonizingly slow, trying not to show his utter disgust for the human consumption.

"hmhm?" He let go of the straw, taking every opportunity to not have to drink the stuff.

"Why are there malls in Alaska?"

"Well... That's something the writer couldn't figure out, and she here-by wants to fix the hole it creates in the story! So there are no malls in Alaska, we just pretend because otherwise the Cullens couldn't give Alice her surprise and it wouldn't be fun anymore!"

"ah. I see." I nodded understandinly. "Anyway, I still want to go to..." I did a drum-roll on the table, "Victoria's Secret!!!!" I said happily, clapping my hands. I looked over the available mannequin's. Emmett... nah I'd tortured him enough at the New Yorker already. Rosalie? Nah, her collection of Victoria's Secret sets is stacked for the next 5 years. I automaticly skipped Esme and Carlisle - No way in hell I was going to see my parent-figures in lingerie. My eyes landed on Felix and I smirked evilly, clapping my hands in delight.

"Teeheeheehee" I said as Felix' eyes widened in mock-fear. Emmett slapped him on the back.

"Good luck, bro." he laughed as Felix reluctantly got up. Felix was grunting as he thought of what was to come. "That's what it takes to belong to the family!" Emmett called after us as mr Muscle wheeled me to VS in an agonizingly slow pace.

A bunch of thongs, a ton of leather and a few cat-tail's further, and I got my new prey over 10 brand-new sets of lingerie. Felix was actually starting to enjoy this and a goofy grin apeared on his face as he stepped out of the changing room. I grinned back at him.

"Perfect." I gigled as he made a few poses and showed me the back. "Maybe you should try the same but in purpl-" I didn't finish my sentence, a sudden pain in my stomach alerting me something was wrong. Felix was in front of me immediately, a worried expression on his face. I would have laughed, since he was kneeling in front of me in some leather 'I leave nothing to the imagination'- lingerie, but my pain prevented me from bursting into laughter. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, putting his hand over mine where it rested on my tummy.

"Dunno." I replied through gritted teeth. Felix gently moved my hand away and put his head on my stomach, listening. This time I allowed myself to laugh at him.

"What the HELL are you doing?" I laughed, but Felix was still serious.

"I'm trying to listen so I know what's hapening inside of you." he mumbled. I suddenly felt like I wasn't getting any air, and I was choking for oxygen. What on earth? Completely unexpected came the flow of blood in my throat and I coughed in order to get it out. Around us, humans were starting to notice the little scenario playing out inbetween the racks of articles. Shocked expression masked their features when suddenly I started coughing heaps of blood. Felix eyes went pitch-black as the blood landed not only on me, but on him, too. The customers in the shop stayed deadly silent when they heard Felix growl and didn't dare to approach.

"Carlisle, help!" I screamed, my voice lost in fear. My eyes widened when Felix came closer and closer, his tongue darting out to lick his large fangs. "Felix, don't. Please." His breath ghosted over my shoulder, his inner-self debating on what to do. I felt the eyes of everyone in the shop on me, and I shuddered in fear. And not just for myself, but also for my family. Panic struck me when I thought of what kind of punishment they would get if the Volturi were to hear of this gigantic exposure of vampires. I however wasn't allowed to finish that thougth when Felix teeth grazed my skin and tore it, a little stream of blood lightly trickling from the wound. It made me sick to see Felix like this, the beast in him deciding what was best. I wanted to struggle but couldn't as Felix bit hard this time, and the pulling feeling that came with being drunk by a vampire. My brain was screaming forme to do something, to scream and to struggle. To take action.

I, however, allowed myself to slip into complete and utter darkness.  

[A/N You worried?:3]

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