Chapter 49 - I Feel Weak

Start from the beginning

"I'll go with you" I told him and he slightly smiled. I wanted to smile, but I didn't have it in me. "I think I'm going to go sleep, can I call you later?" What I really mean is, I'm going up to my bed to cry, not sleep. He nodded and stood up.

"Of course. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He told me as I stood up too. "I'll see you later" he said with a smile then walked out. Once the door was shut, I let some of my tears fall. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Talking about prom with him helped for two minutes. Only two minutes of the events of last night not replaying in my head.

**Present Time**

He is a another one who keeps texting me. I just really don't want to talk to anyone at all. My mom came in here with food earlier. I barely ate anything. She came back in an hour later and I acted like I was sleep so I wouldn't have to explain why I barely ate. I just have no appetite.

I know everyone's starting to worry, but I want them to think I'm okay which means I would have to act okay, but it's so hard to act okay when I just feel so traumatized right now.

**Ally's POV**

I took a deep breath as I hit Jamie's moms contact in my phone and started to call her. I put it on speaker. I'm with Ryan and Chaz who are also on FaceTime with Justin. We told him how something isn't right with Jamie. He said she is barely talking to him. Just like she's doing to us.

She left the party without saying a single thing to any of us, didn't text us at all after wards at least letting us know if she got home or if she's okay or that she was even leaving in general. She didn't show up to school which is strange because she never misses a day unless she has to.

And now she's not answering any of our text. She answered us once saying she was fine, but that's all it said. 'I'm fine'. But obviously we know her well enough to know some thing is wrong. Especially when she's doing the same thing to Justin.

"Hello Ally" Jamie's mom answered. She also didn't sound that happy.

"Hi Mrs Collins. Are you able to talk right now?" I asked her.

"It's about Jamie isn't it?" She asked.

"Yeah" I said in a sigh.

"I was going to reach out to you about her actually. She hasn't left her room once since last night. I brought food into her room for her earlier then when I went back in there about an hour later, I saw the food barely touched. I don't know what's going on with her. I'm worried" she explained to me.

"She's barely talking to me or the guys. She told us that she's fine, but she never misses school so it was weird she wasn't in today" I said back.

"Did something happen with her and Justin?" She asked.

"No. He told me nothing happened." I said to her. She sighed.

"I've heard his music playing in her room for the past hour so I figured maybe she was upset about something that had to do with him. I don't know that maybe she just misses him" I looked up at the guys as she said that.

"I'll have him try to call her. We all know that he's the one person that can always get through to her"

"Okay thank you. Let me know" we said goodbye and hung up.

In Love With My Bestfriend: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now