Chapter 10-Maggie's POV

Start from the beginning

I was slightly surprised that Sherlock actually told John about that day when Kathy attacked me.

"It must've been hard for her. I can't see how it could've gone so far as an attempted murder. Maggie must've read her like a book." John chuckled shortly at the end of that. Admiration was clear in his voice.

I opened my eyes slightly, just enough to see through my eyelashes.

"I know you're awake, Maggie." Sherlock muttered.

I furrowed my eyebrows before opening my eyes fully. I saw Sherlock smirking down at me and John looking a bit embarrassed.

"So, what did I miss?" I smiled up at the two boys.

"Not much. You've only been out for six hours." Sherlock replied with a slight smile on his face.

"Six hours? How the bloody hell have I stayed in one place for so long?" I sat up quickly, making John jump a bit.

"Well you were in a bomb." John said.

I looked over at him and lifted the corners of my lips slightly. "I've been in much worse situations."

John's eyes widened a bit before shaking his head and settling into his chair again.

"Is that it? The only thing i missed was my attempted murder?" I asked.

"Yeah about that, how many times are people going to try to kill you and fail." Sherlock asked.

"Well if you weren't there with John, I'd be in much worse condition." I said loosing my excitement a bit.

Sherlock nodded before standing up and walking around my bed towards the door.

"Well I'm bored. John." He summoned for John as he opened the door.

John rolled his eyes before getting up.

"How long do you have to stay in this place?" He asked me.

"How should I know?" I smirked as I already made my deduction about that a while ago.

John raised an eyebrow expectantly at me.

I laughed slightly before answering, "Another week or so."

John smiled and nodded.

"John! Are you coming or not!" Sherlock's voice entered the room before his head popped out from the door frame.

"I'll see you soon, Maggie. I can't stand to be with Sherlock alone for a week anyway." John joked before following Sherlock out of the door.

I rolled my eyes. Like I was gonna stay here patiently for another week. Sometimes they can be so thick-skulled.

I stripped the sheets off of my body and stood up, sending a unnecessarily loud beeping into the air.

I winced at the pain in my ankle and started running out of the room. The hallways were rather easy to get through besides the three close calls I had.

I had found my clothes in a plastic bag and slipped them on in the restrooms. Now that I didn't stand out as an 'injured patient' I walked out the front doors and hailed a cab.

I heard commotion in the hospital as I quickly jumped into the cab and told the cabbie my flat address.

I found my wallet still tucked into my back pocket and paid the cabbie before stepping out into the rainy weather.

I hurried to the front door and pulled out my key. The door swung open and I jumped inside, escaping the rain that was beginning to fall.

I said a quick 'hello' to my land lady and continued up the steps. My shoulder was still hurting and my head felt heavy.

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