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We walked throughout the city, swinging our hands between eachother. I really had to be back to work on my case, but Jason wanted to show me something at a store he saw. It was just a nice painting. He is very into art, I just smile and support him. He bought the painting with my nod of approval and we continued walking to the office. His large fingers were interlocked with mine while his thumb subconsciously rubbed across my knuckles softly.

Around us people were rushing, sweating, talking on the phone too loud. Some were listening to music, which I could never do. Horns were blaring, tires screeching, but somehow I felt at peace with all the hustling and bustling sounds. It gave me comfort that this city was the exact opposite of where I grew up.

I surveyed the people around me, judging their choice of clothing or lack there of. I watched a teenage couple hold hands until the boy reached down and kissed the blondes' cheek. She looked surprised but smiled regardless and kissed him on the lips.

'Why are you smiling babe?' Jason turned to me as we stood at a crosswalk, waiting for the walking sign across the street to turn green.

'I love the city.' I smile and look around. Once the light changes we cross quickly, my heels clicking over the black pavement. When we arrive at the building Jason holds the door for me but tires screeching behind me makes me turn around.

Beside us a yellow cab screeches to a halt. I watch as a large man with slicked back black hair gets out smoothly. His jaw is locked while mine falls on the floor. 'Z-Zane.' I mutter to myself feeling my heart pound erratically in my chest. My hands shake and I'm pretty sure my face paled, whiter than I usually am. I blink a few times trying to get the hallucination that is Zane Rodes out of my sight. But with every blink he stays put. He starts turning towards me and I spin quickly almost running into Jason.

'Are you okay honey? You look a little sick.' Jason brushes my hair back as I push at his chest trying to get him inside so I can run away from my mind playing tricks on me.

'Y-Yes I'm ok-kay.' I swallow and clear my throat. 'I just need to lay down.' I finally get past him and speed walk to the elevators, letting the doors close dispite someone's deep voice yelling to "hold the elevator".

I saw Zane, that was him. No, he was supposed to have died seven years ago. I'm going insane, I'm officially crazy.

The elevator dings again at my floor, I jump out and speed walk down the hallway.

'Welcome back Ms. Smith, how was your lunch?' Devin asks me.

I blink a few times looking at him. 'Come inside.'

'Now?' He looks surprised because I usually tell him to wait.

'Yes. Now.'

I walk through my office door and Devin follows. I pull the blinds shut, and lock the door.

'Camille? You look pale.'

'I need to tell you something because I know you will listen and it's not something I can tell Jason. But I need you to hear me out completely before you judge me.'

'Okay..' He takes my hand and sits me on the couch. He sits beside me letting his hand rest on my knee.

'When I was eighteen, I fell in love with a boy back in my hometown. He was the popular guy in school who got all the girls and drank, smoke and did drugs. I guess you could call him a "bad boy." I was going through a lot when I met him, my dad had just passed away and my mom was a part time mom, full time nurse.' I swallowed nervously. 'I met him at a party, a lot happend, then we started dating. It was great until he told me he loved me.' I shook my head with a small smile remembering him yell at me because he loved me, and telling me I was going to love him back. 'I was afraid of those words, f-for a good reason, of which Zane understood. He got mad and left, he was probably driving to fast out of anger because he wrecked his car. His injuries were horrible, mostly internal. But he lost a lot of blood along with it. He was a rare type so I donated. I got scared and ran, being a teenager who was absolutely terrified that Zane would die. When I found out he was in a coma I came back. I visited him everyday for 16 months. That's how long he was in that God forsaken coma. During that time I was a mess with guilt and self loathing. I threw myself into another relationship so he could keep me stable until Zane woke up. About 6 months into Zane's coma, my mother was diagnosed with leukemia. She had to quit her job and start radiation treatments. She was going downhill quick and I couldn't do anything for the two people I love the most. The day I got the call that Zane had woken up I came straight to him, he seemed to be back to normal it was like someone lifted a year and a half worth of guilt off of me.' I breathed slowly, keeping it steady as Devin absorbed all of this information. 'I told him about Tristan, my new boyfriend, and he seemed to accept it. I said we would be friends but it never worked out that way. We went from hating eachother because really all we both wanted was eachother to falling into the desires of one another. I tried to break up with Tristan but he refused.' I rolled my eyes.

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