(Chapter 14) baby baby baby ohhhh...

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next day

»serenas pov«

i woke to the sound of just snoring softly..thats when i felt something in the pit of my stomach..uh oh..

i ran to the bathroom lifted the toilet seat and threw up all my food from..probably 2 days ago..thats when i felt my hair being lifted and justin rubbing my back.

justin:are u okay?

he asked full of concerned

me:yeah probably just a lil food poising

i got up flushed the toilet put my hair in a pony tail and washed my face and brushed my teeth.then i turned to look at justin and smiled he smiled back and wrapped his arms around my waist

me:last night was..

justin: amazing (:

»Justins Pov«

its true last night was amazing.shes the most important girl in my life..its jazzy..my mom and her..there all at #1 ..what cant chose favorites ;)

me:so how about me and you go get breakfast?

serena:justin arent you forgetting something?

me:uhm n-

serena:ur on tour...u have a soundcheck to go to haha

me:oh right psshh i knew that

she laughes and i kissed her forehead

me:sooo are u gonna come with me to soundcheck?

serena: as much as i want to me and ur mom decided to go to the mall today

me:awh how cuuteee my two favorite girls shopping together doing there girl stuff

serena:whatever haha

»Later that day «


i was currently at the mall in forever 21 with pattie,justins mom of course.

pattie:how about this one? its really cute?

i smiled

me:perfect go try it on


we walked to the dressing room and while she tried it on i waited outside than i started feeling that feeling again the one i got this morning thats when pattie walked out


i ran to the nearest trash can and threw up ..ewww i felt pattie put her hand on my back

pattie:a simple no would of been alright sweetie

me:no no its not you pattie u look beautiful ive just been feeling like this since the morning idk why i felt perfectly fine last night..


she looked at me


pattie:what did you and justin do last night..

i got wide eyed..

me:well uhm...you see..oh look at that koala..


i sighed

me:well we sorta did..it

pattie:...we better take you to the doctors

~At the doctors~

I had just finished taking the test anf now we were waiting for the results

im scared. really scared.

if I am pregnant. .whats gonna happen what will justin do. what will the fans do.what will happen to his career.

doctor: Ms.LaRusso

me and pattie stood up and followed the doctor

doctor:hello im dr.james


dr.james:well serena you definitely are pregnant congradu-

everything went black...I fainted.

Im Catching feelings for my roadie (A justin bieber love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora