under the mistletoe part 2

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me:So serena i gotta ask u somethin...

i nodded for the other guys to get out so i can talk to the serena

scooter:uhm guys lets go get a starbucks



he yelled playfully and serena stared at him in shock while i tried to control my laughter.i chuckeled after they walked out

serena: anyywhooo as you were saying?

she smiled and looked at me

justin:i was wondering if you uh well wanted to go out to dinner with me...i mean -its not a date -i mean not that i dont want to-its -itsss uhhh-hehe well you see-

serena: haha justin!

i stopped babling and looked at her

serena:i would love to go out for dinner with you

me:greattt so uh dress fancy but not TOO fancy..ya know

serena:hah okay

me:we'll leave at 7

serena:hah ookaayy

me:great (:

with that i walked back in the studio getting ready to record my next song



i was currently doing my makeup getting ready for my "NOT date" with justin haha.i didnt want to over do it so i did a light natural look with the make up after i curled my hair slightly considering i straighten my hair almost everyday lets try something different hah i pined my bangs to the side and went to my closet to pick out something fancy yet casual to wear. i decided to wear a dress that was short from the front and long from the back the bottom half was see through but had a mini skirt under so all you saw were my legs and the top was heart shapped from the front and had an openig in the back (SERENAS DRESS >>>>) then i wore tanish heels with it this night is gonna be PERFECT.

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