Chapter 15

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Three years later

I slowly opened my eyes, groaning loudly. Loud crying was coming from the baby monitor next to the bed. I punched Tanner's arm. "You go get this one." I mumbled, shoving my face into the pillow.

"Mmm.. No, it's your turn." Tanner groaned.

I sighed, slowly getting out of bed. I walked across the floor that creaked under my feet. Upon exiting the bedroom door, I went to the room across the hallway. I walked up to the small bed where my son was crying loudly.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked Finn.

"M-Mommy... Monster!." Finn whined.

I peeked under Finn's bed, and into the closet. "There's no monster here sweetie. I think you're just imagining things."

"No!" Finn sniffled.

I sang to him until he settled down. Almost immediately afterwards he fell back asleep. Finn had Tanner's brown hair, but he had my bright blue eyes. He was a pretty demanding toddler, and demanded a lot of time and attention. I walked over to the other bed in the room, where Finn's twin Bryce was peacefully sleeping. He had my black hair, and then Tanner's green eyes. They were both complete opposites. With Bryce being quiet and then Finn being loud and demanding.

Finn was older than Bryce by two minutes. Tanner and I were definitely not expecting twins. We thought that we were just going to have one child. I wasn't sure how but on the ultrasounds the doctor missed one of them. Labor was hell for me. By the time I had given birth to both of them, I was completely exhausted.

I walked back to our bedroom and crawled back into bed. Tanner pulled me against him and rubbed my stomach. "It's hard enough with two, imagine if we get triplets this time." Tanner murmured in my ear.

I laughed softly. I was just a few months pregnant but it wasn't a big deal yet. It didn't affect me other than making me have to pee more. "I'm sure we can manage." I whispered to him. Before long we both fell back asleep. It had been pretty exhausting having twins. I never would've thought of how hard parenthood really was.

Morning came and it was just like every other day. Fed the twins first thing and played with them for awhile. Everyone in the pack adored them and the twins couldn't be happier. They were pretty spoiled, showered in gifts from everyone.

Right now I was on the way to the car with the twins. I buckled them both into their car seats. Today I was going to meet Tiffany at a park in town. We always went to the park at least once a month together. The entire car ride the twins were mumbling loudly in the back. They usually got along really well, which was nice.

Once we got to the park I brought the twins out and walked toward the benches. I held each of their hands until we got to the benches. Tiffany was sitting there and waved at us.

"Hey you two, how are my two favorite twins today?" She smiled, ruffling each of their hair.

They both hugged Tiffany. "Auntie!" They said at the same time.

I pointed out a slightly older child playing on the playground. "There's Dominic! Why don't you two go play with him?" I said to the twins, and they both ran off to go play with their friend. A few months before I gave birth, Tiffany had a son of her own. He looked exactly like her, a spitting image.

"How have things been at the pack house recently?" Tiffany asked me. Since she had Dominic she had grown up a lot. She even moved out of the pack house into a single home on pack land with her son and mate.

"It's been pretty good. Very hectic though with Tanner managing the pack and him leaving quite a bit. He helps out when he can of course, but I wish I had a little bit more help."

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