Chapter 8

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We had finally made it to a road. They had some cars parked along the edge. I was gagged and thrown into an empty trunk. It was a really long ride. Here and there we would stop, and they would take me out of the trunk. Let me do my business, feed me, and then it was right back into the trunk. I tried to find something to slice the ropes off with, but there was nothing of use in the trunk.

Every single bump hurt, some part of my body slamming around. Smoother roads were heaven for me, and on them I drifted in and out of sleep. We had to have been traveling for days. I wondered how Tiffany was doing, hoping that her and the baby were okay. My heart ached thinking about Tanner, all I wanted was to kiss him again.

The car I was in rolled to a stop. Voices got closer to the trunk, and it was popped open. A guard shoved a bag onto my head, and pulled me out of the trunk. He gripped my arm tightly, roughly dragging me along. I couldn't see and kept stumbling over rocks and roots on the ground. I could tell the guard was getting irritated with me, mumbling angrily.

Finally, he just picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I tried to get the bag off my head, but it was on pretty tightly. The sound of a iron door opening and closing caught my attention. I let out a muffled scream when we took some steps down. It scared me a little, and I figured we were going down some stairs. Down down down we went, until we went through another door. The guys steps got really loud, echoing around.

The guy who was holding me started talking hushed to someone. We walked a little further and I heard what sounded like a cell door creaking open. The guy walked inside and put me down. The bag was ripped roughly off my head, and I blinked a few times to let my eyes adjust. Before I knew what was happening, one of my ankles were shackled. It was tethered to the corner of my cell only giving me enough room to wander around my cell. The ropes around my wrists were then untied, giving me immediate relief. The guy who had me left the small cell I was in, shut and then locked the cell door. His footsteps sounded as he vanished from view until I could no longer hear him.

I looked around to see where I was. I was in a small cell with a cot in one corner and a metal toilet in the other. The walls were very mossy, and the floor was stone. Very dim lights lit up the room, making it difficult to see. There were 5 other cells on either side and across from me. A good 10 foot space separated each cell. I noticed two of the other cells were occupied.

A small form occupied one cell, though I couldn't make out what they looked like. All I could tell was that they were huddled in the back corner. In the other cell a young guy was standing near the bars. I couldn't see his face, but I could feel his eyes on me. It was almost like he was studying me. He let out a loud, bad sounding cough. Almost like he was gasping for air.

I looked at the way I thought he carried me in. I saw there was a large steel looking door, probably locked. On either side of the room were large wooden doors. I could only really imagine where they led to. I walked up to my cell door,m pulling on my bars as hard as I could. A raspy voice stopped me from attempting any further.

"There's no point of trying. All of the doors in this place are made out of silver. Even the shackles that are around your ankle."

It was then I noticed both of them also had shackles on them. I remembered I wasn't a werewolf yet, though. I quietly under my breath recited a fireball spell. I felt my palms start to heat up, and then the heat just vanished. I was really confused, silver didn't affect witches. I reached down and examined the shackles. It was then I realized that they weren't just made of silver. They were also made of Witch's Bane. It was infused into the silver, which stopped me from using any of my powers.

"The silver doesn't bother me... It's the Witch's Bane infused into my shackle that's stopping me." I frowned, feeling hopeless.

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