“Er, nothing, nothing at all. Why do you ask?” Harry grimaced, and George rolled his eyes.

“Sure, sure. What, did Lily and James Potter take over you last night?” 

Everyone knew about Lily and James’s story, how she had gone from hating him to marrying him, and their fights were famous. The fact that once again there was a green eyed girl and messy-haired boy fighting downstairs, with the last name Potter no less, was now making it possible for everyone to relieve that legend.

“We were wondering that ourselves.” Harry grinned, and I nodded. I was about to say something when a voice came from behind us.

“Hi Harry.” Cho Chang greeted, and I saw Harry’s head whip up, his face smiling.

“Hi Cho.” He returned as Cho walked away, waving. I rolled my eyes and snorted.

“What?” Harry asked, turning back towards me. I shrugged.

“She just kinda bugs me, she’s so....” I trailed off, not finishing my sentence because of the glare Harry was giving me.

“Ok! Fine, I would mention anything.. hey, here comes Professor Snape.” I pointed out as Snape walked down the column in-between the tables, his robes billowing behind him. He looked at me for a moment and his eyes widened. I waved, smiling the same way I had seen Lily smile in a picture Sirius had. I swear, Snape’s eyes were now covering half his face as he took his seat at the head table.

Turning back to my food, I continued eating, ignoring him. Once I was done, I stood up and met with Draco, and we walked outside, the fresh morning air surrounding us.

“How’d you sleep last night?” I asked, and Draco shrugged.

“I slept ok. There’s been better nights, but..” He trailed off, and I nodded. Draco turned to me, a smile playing on his lips.

“So, did Scar-head find out you were with me last night?”

I nodded. “Um yeah. He wasn’t to happy about it either, we had a yelling match in the common room to rival James and Lily’s.” I laughed, and Draco nodded, looking out at the lake, his eyes somewhere else. 

We sat down at the base of the tree, looking out in the water.

“What you thinking about?” I asked, and Draco shrugged.


“Ah. So, what’s your favorite color?” I asked, and Draco sneered for a moment, before blinking, the sneer falling off his face, replaced by thoughtfulness.

“Don’t be surprised, but I like the color green, or blue. Usually a bright green.” He muttered, and I smiled.

“Personally I like dark green and dark red, maybe a pale pink.” I said, and Draco nodded.

“Interesting. I never saw you as a girl who would be into pink. Maybe your housemates Brown, or Patil, but not you.” He trailed off, and I nodded. 

“I wish I could go swimming.” I sighed, and Draco turned to me.

“Why on earth would you want to do that?”

“Because I haven’t been swimming for awhile. But it would be impossible at the moment, with the ice frozen and all.” I said, before a thought popped into my head. 

“Hey Draco, you want to go ice skating?”

“Isn’t that a muggle sport?” He asked, distain in his voice. I rolled my eyes, standing up and jerking him up with me.

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